Ulfric x Reader ~Saber (2)~

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You grew surprisingly fast in the next following months.

Any of the women that had examined you just thought it was a boy, because apparently just because the baby was growing quick meant it had to be a boy.

Truly, be it a boy or girl, you'd adore them all the same.

Ulfric had gotten increasingly protective, and you had to flick him down a few notches every now and then, but you understood. Having a child was stressful, especially when he was about to be crowned High King.

He'd talked to you about marriage a few times, and it seemed like he had to have a spouse and a heir in order to ensure the moot went smoothly, which you didn't mind.

Married or not, the both of you were in a working relationship. That was all that mattered.

As day brimmed, Ulfric's arm moved sleepily to your stomach, his bare muscled chest against your sleeping attire. A small smile grew on your face, and you moved your hands to entangle your fingers around his.

A quiet, deep rumble of a chuckle sent vibrations through your spine. "Good morning, my love."

His lips pressed against your neck, quick and leaving you grumbling as his hand left yours and his warmth leaving the bed altogether.

"I'm cold," you whine with a pitiful glance to your lover as you turned, pouting.

The man raised his brows, "I have things I need to do, dear. I cannot get out of them."

Frowning, you flipped the blankets off of you and got out of the bed, the cold prickling your feet as you walked to the tall Nord.

He threw on an undertunic, and before he even tried, you were trying the strings and neatly tucking them behind the fabric. A peck on your head followed.

"I did nay to deserve you, ____," he murmured.

You said nothing in response, resting your head against his toned chest as tears pricked the back of your eyes.

Before you knew it, you were sobbing in his arms, face drawn back in your swarm of emotions.

You blinked hard and long, and his hand rested against the back of your head. "I'm sorry," you choked out.

"Do not be. You have nothing to be ashamed of."

"Right, I just... I've never had someone actually and genuinely care for me." you murmured, tears soaking his light shirt though he didn't care in the slightest.

"Well," he whispered back, "now you do."

"Shut up, ass-kisser," you mutter under your breath, face flushed despite the wet trails on your cheeks. A boisterous laugh echoed from his chest.

"And I will get not another moment like this for another month. Great job killing the moment, my love."

"Some mush is okay, but it was getting sickening," you claim as he put on a pair of trousers, rolling his eyes.

"Sure, sure. If you need anything from me, you know what to do."

You nod, "Go into labour and die."

He inhaled sharply, "You need to stop that. It's giving me flashbacks."

A laugh bubbled out of you at his playful unease, and you gave him a kiss. "Love you, hun. Tell Galmar I bet 30 it's a girl."

"And you tell me to stop gambling," he gruffed.

"Quiet. I am growing a child and neither of us can drink. I am the better at placing bets, anyway."

He scoffed.


"Ulfric, uh, wake up," you urge quietly, rustling the man beside you. His eyes flickered open, and confusion grew on his face.

"What?" he murmured tiredly.

"My water broke."

"Oh," he answered, digging his face back into the pillow in front of him.

"My water broke, you idiot," was your hiss.

He blinked.

Then, he froze.

"You sure?" his voices was muffled.

"Yeah, pretty fucking sure!" you growl.


"Go get the head maid, you incompetent twit."

"Fuck, you're mean."

"Yeah, well, I'm going to be popping out a kid. That shit's gonna hurt."



Ahhahahah, 100 reads! Thank you all!!

(Btw, I didn't have much time to write this because I went to a movie and dinner and I'm super tired)

Part 3?


Dani out,


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