Jarl Balgruuf x Reader ~After the End~

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The man let out a quiet sigh, hands drumming on the table as he glazed to the red and blue flags. It was far into the night and yet he was still up. 

How long until he had no other choice but to take a side? The Dragonborn had been gone for neigh a month now- the soldiers would become unpracticed, cocky in this time of wait. Both Tullius and Ulfric were not tolerant men when it came to waits such as this.

At the very least, the Jarl of Windhelm was a man of tradition, Jarl Balgruuf doubted he would move first. No, he was too stubborn... Tullius no doubt would be sending a raven within the week.

The Empire was becoming unstable. The Rebellion was filled with unknowns.

Neither side was stable; safe for the people of his city. One way or another, his city would be ransacked, his guards slaughtered and his citizen endangered.

Damn this war! Damn it all!

His fist slammed against the wood, temper flaring. 

"Gods, goat, you've really grown horns," came the chuckle mere seconds later, the voice familiar with a friendly, kind tone to it.

Jarl Balgruuf turned so fast he nearly passed out.


You spread out your arms, grinning, "The one, the only. Now, you know I hate pleasantries, so let's talk war for a few moments, I know that is why you're up, anyway."

He groaned. "Will it be over soon?"

"Of course," you assure, "all I need is your approval."

He raised his brows. "Go on then."

"I tell Ulfric and Tullius if they march on Whiterun I kill them," you offer. "Their men, them, every single damn man on their side."

He blinked. "Bold. Certainly something you'd do."

"And," you raise a finger, "to whoever wins this war, we help them take down the Thalmor."

The Jarl frowned. "You're leaving more out."

"If not for your title, who would you favor?" you questioned.

Several moments passed.

He took a large breath, then a long sigh as he leaned against the table. "After the Concordat, I'm not sure I can trust the Empire, ____."

There was a nod. "I agree. So we give him a chance to prove his worth."


"If Jarl Ulfric can deal with me for a day, an entire day, I say he gets the men."

The man cringed. "Come on, now, let's be fair."

"That was a joke!" you gasp.

He bit the inside of his cheek.

"Are you serious, Balgruuf?" 

"I didn't mean-"

"Yes, you did!" came the bark.

He scowled. "I did mean it."

"I'm offended that you didn't say I was insufferable outright. You know first hand how annoying, irritating, and insulting I can be. I don't follow court rules, I say what I wish, I kill who I wish- I am under no command other than my own whims," you chuckle.

"Oh, when you first came to my hall, I despised you on spot," he snorted.

A cackle. "I wasn't even trying, goat."

"Would you stop with that wretched-"

"You know the answer to that," came the warning.

The man rolled his eyes. "I do."

"How are the brats of yours?" 

"Why do you hate them so much?" he questioned with a huff.

You rolled your eyes. "They are spoiled, no discipline. I was brought up on the streets- there is childhood hate and adult hate."

Balgruuf sighed. "How would you discipline them?"

"I would take away their things, show them their luck and teach them to be humble. I would send them to work on the fields with their people, hunt with the hunters, market with the traders. Show them the world does not revolve around solely their needs and that their actions have consequences."

The was a thick silence.

"Frothmar would delight in it. Nelkir would, only because of Frothmar. Dagny..."

You shook your head. "Dagny should spend a month in the company of a lower-class family, work with them, eat with them, and live with them. Appreciation will come then. After, she will go through the same as her brothers."

"It pains me to send them off."

"It pains you to have them work," you countered. 

He frowned.

"I suppose. I will have it done- it's not if it could hurt. Now, how did the battle with the World-Eater go, might Dragonborn?"

With casualty you always had about you, you flicked up your tunic, revealing a huge, reddened scar as big as his forearm. A bite.

It fell back to cover your abdomen.

"That's why I've been out for a month. All I have to say on that," you murmured.

"Gods, ____..."

"Oh, don't cut me that shit."

"That's one hell of a scar."

"Damn right it is. Next matter of business, or are you done for tonight?"

He shook his head, "You always want to talk about your battles."

"This one I don't," came the hiss.

"And that makes it all the more important, doesn't it? You obviously believe you failed in some way."

"Failed? No, I didn't. I want to go back. I want to go back into the hall filled with heroes from so many ages ago, for they look at me for who I am, not a tool, not a warrior, no, I am ____. That is all I am. And coming back here, to this place..."

"There," Balgruuf muttered, "some of it. Now I need all of it, Dragonborn."

A scoff. "Nope. Good night, Jarl."


And you were gone in a quick flash of orange. 

He let out a quiet curse.

Damn were you annoying.


First Balgruuf one! Woot woot!

This took me like 3 hours purely because I was watching game of thrones in the background and i kept getting distracted by the good ole Starks.

I'm on season 6, first few episodes for anyone that watches it. ;)

It's quite gory and there are tons of nudity scenes, but I'm virtually unaffected at this point lol.

Anyway, requests?

Dani out,


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