Chapter 23

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-Your pov-

You smile to yourself when you sleep that night. You're so happy to know that you and Blake are friends again, and that she let you back into her life. You figured she would eventually, but figured it would take a lot of time since it had taken you forever to get to know her and to open up to you in the first place, so it was nice that it had only taken a few days. It also feels like less of a burden now that she knows about everything with Ultraman also. It feels like some of the weight has been lifted off your chest due to someone else knowing, someone else who you can count on.

" It's time to get up," Orb says in your mind, and then you begin to stir, and then he chuckles softly. " When Summer was my host, I don't think the two of us were ever on time to get to a class. She was still a capable warrior, but I would like to, for once get to see the start of a school day. And besides as we are now, we can't afford to miss anything. We're going to have to learn to work together quicker than anyone else ever had."

Nodding, you then sit up and then rub your head a little bit, and then sit up with a smile on your face, and then you look over to your team, and then notice that you're the last one awake, and you smile sheepishly, knowing you're the leader, and need to set a good example for them all, and not being the last one to wake up. " And he wakens," says Karma simply, and you feel a little more sheepish, and then you look down at your feet, feeling bad already. " I was starting to think you wouldn't."

Clover caws a little, and then Valora nods. " You still have a few minutes before we need to get to class," she says, being kinder than Karma about it, and then she smiles softly at you. " You're not going to be able to eat breakfast, but we aren't going to be late to class if you get dressed and then head down there now." Nodding a little more, you then walk into the bathroom and begin to get dressed in the uniform. You give yourself a smile in the mirror, and then head back to the others.

" We have combat first," says Silver, as he looks at the schedule he has in his hands. " It's on the first floor. We need to leave now if we want to make it on time." He then opens the door, and then waits for the three of you to head out of the room. He closes it behind you, and then you all walk into the class, and find four open seats, next to Teams JNPR and RWBY, and you give Blake a smile and a wave before focusing on the class.

" Good morning class. My name is Professor Goodwitch. I am your combat teacher. You should each have gotten an email with the syllabus attached to it. I expect you've read it and know all of my rules and expectations already. Now then. Today, I am going to be finding your combat capabilities. Each of you will be fighting today. Do your best. We will be using tournament rules. You lose if you go out of bounds, or if your aura falls into the red. Now then, do we have any volunteers to fight," she asks.

Hands shoot up all around, and then she nods as she picks names for the first fight of the day, which is going to be your teammate Karma, and someone from CRDL, their leader Cardin. " Alright! I get to rough up a faunas," he says, seemingly happy about it. Karma rolls her eyes and then glares at him, as the two of them walk into the arena, weapons in hand. Curiously, you watch the fight, wanting to know more about your teammate, and her abilities when she fights.

The fight begins, and then Cardin rushes at her with his mace. Karma then concentrates for a moment, and then his feet freeze to the ground. He struggles to break free, but can't, and she looks at him coldly. " If you keep struggling, you're going to lose the bottom of your feet. But either way, it's over," she says, and then lowers the temperature so low that his aura shatters. The fight is called, and then Karma sits down next to the three of you without saying a word.

A series of fights go by, and they sort of begin to blend together in your mind, until you watch as Blake fights with Ren from JNPR, and the fight ends in a tie, and then you clap for her, and she gives you a soft smile. You then resume spacing out a little bit, and then you watch as Valora ends up having to fight someone named Jaune, also from JNPR, and then they walk into the ring with a smile on their faces, nervous for Jaune, and somewhat excited for Valora.

Jaune just rushes at her with no real strategy, which makes it easy for Valora to dodge everything he does, and she hits him with a few arrows here or there, though to your surprise, Jaune has more aura then you would think so he can keep fighting for a long time. " I'll make it painless," Valora says eventually, and then shoots an arrow at his feet. Gas comes from it, and then Jaune passes out after breathing in too much of it. Valora then carefully helps Jaune to his seat, and then smiles kindly at him. " I can help you become stronger," she promises, before going back to her seat with you.

The next fight which you pay attention to is Silver and Pyrrha. Everyone murmurs that the fight is going to be over amazingly quick, but to everyone's surprise, including yours, Silver is able to fight with her for a decent amount of time. At the end of the fight, he does lose, but he doesn't complain or say anything negative, he just smiles kindly, and then accepts her hand up and goes back to his seat.

The last fight of the day is your own, against Weiss Schnee. You fight her with your staff, staying on the defense for most of it, but sometimes going on the offense. But you're content not to use the powers of Orb, wanting to fight on your own for a little bit. Eventually the fight is called, with you winning narrowly, and then you smile at her, and go to sit down.

Weiss then sits down next to her team, seeming confused out of her mind, but you give her a shrug, and then go back to your team. You smile when you sit with your team, happy to have been able to see them all fight, and happy you have such a capable team with you.

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