Chapter 43

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-Adam Pov-

I sit in the meeting room with Sienna. The two of us have a meeting every time after I go on a mission, or every time someone in the White Fang gives us report. For the first part of the meeting, we speak formally, as two leaders in positions of authority should. We discuss things such as the situation for faunas, rallies we can hold, and how we can continue to increase recruitment to the cause of the White Fang. And then during the second half of the meeting, we have a much more personal conversation with each other, speaking about things such as the stresses of our job, the things we wished could be different, and more than anyone else, she's been a source of comfort for me as I deal with my brother, and Blake turning their backs on me.

" Adam? Are you listening to me," Sienna asks, and then I jolt to my senses, realizing that at the end I had spaced out, and missed what she had been trying to say to me. I shake my head apologetically, and then she chuckles softly and kindly to me, used to this happening due to how many times we've spoken like this, and how many times my thoughts end up going elsewhere. " I asked how the mission with Cinder went."

" It was alright. When we arrived, (y/n) and the others had already left. We didn't have the manpower to intercept them. All we were able to do was figure out what happened. They freed the faunas slaves from the mines, which was good. But other than that, all Cinder told me about was the plans she had coming for Beacon Academy, and how she needed me, and some members of the White Fang for it," I admit to her, and then she nods, and it's her turn to retreat into her thoughts for a little bit.

" Right. That's interesting," Sienna muses, knowing that (y/) is alive. I did tell her everything about him being alive, but I left out everything about Belial, Orb and everything of that nature. I figured it would be best to keep it simple, and I doubted that she would believe me anyways. " What is her plan Adam? I'm not going to commit any troops to it without knowing what we're getting ourselves into. It's why I stopped letting that idiot Torchwick use us for support and for help."

I chuckle a little bit, when I remember all the trouble Torchwick has gotten us into, and how working with him had been a mistake, one we shouldn't have made. " She didn't give me all the details. She's still trying to keep me in the dark a little bit. She doesn't trust me. Hell, I don't think she trusts anyone. She just told me how she was going to infiltrate the school dance, and she was going to need my help for it, and some of our best fighters," I admit to her, and then Sienna pauses a little.

" Interesting," Sienna says after a moment. "For all the times she's told us to trust her, and to go with her, she has yet to truly tell us anything. And yet she expects so much from us in return. I have to admit, I don't think this is a good idea. I can feel in my gut all the ways this can and will go wrong if we let it happen. I don't know what you told her Adam, but we need to cut our ties with her. We need to be a peace group again. Self defense is one thing, but we're the aggressors this time, and I don't think there's a way around it."

Before I can react, I feel the presence of Belial in my mind, taking over my body. I suddenly find myself watching my own body, in shock and in horror as he makes my hand grab onto my katana, and then stab through Sienna. I try to fight and stop myself, but I find myself unable to. I can't move at all. I want to scream, to cry. To do something. And yet all I can manage to do is watch as Belial impales Sienna, the woman who raised me further and further on the sword. " I'm sorry Sienna. We're too far deep to stop," he says, using my voice to do it.

Sienna coughs up a wad of blood, and I see her in pain, struggling to move, to breath. I see the emotions flash across her face as she considers what to do. The entire time, I struggle to gain control back from Belial, but I just can't. I can't do anything. Finally, Sienna goes limp, and then she looks at me. " Adam...that's not what I was expecting. But I still believe in you you know? I think you can just do a little better. Even if you don't," Sienna says weakly, crying as the life leaves her.

Belial throws her body to the floor, and then I tackle him in the mindscape, tears streaming down my face, and then I glare at him. " Why the hell did you do that?! I didn't tell you to! I'm your host. You're supposed to listen to me! Not kill the woman who raised me!" I yell at him, and he tilts his head at me, and gives a smirk I want to punch off his face. I want to go back in time. I want to stop myself from ever agreeing to this, from ever becoming the host of this monster. To fix the error of my ways.

" I keep telling you Adam. That you need to let the past go. That you need to let old things die. Sienna held you back. Your need for her approval held you back. You could never commit fully to a plan like this. You don't have the will for it. The stomach to do what needs to be done. With Sienna gone, you have nothing in the way of you achieving your goal. You're free. Thanks to me," Belial says chuckling.

" I'm gonna kill you!" I shout at him, voice catching in my throat from the raw emotions of this moment. I swing a punch for him, which he catches with the greatest of ease, and then tosses me across the mindscape. As I try to get up, he snaps his fingers, and a cage appears around me suddenly, which I beat on, but find myself unable to get out of.

" No. You won't," Belial says, turning to leave. " Now then. With or without you, I'm going to make your plans unfold Adam. And when we're done, thanks to me, you'll see the sun rise over a grateful Remnant."

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