Chapter 12

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"Look at this picture. Her name is Momo Yaoyorozu. She's the same age as you and she comes from a very wealthy family. I think she would make the perfect wife for you."

"excuse me, what?" Todoroki replied dryly.

Todoroki didn't know how to react. Had his father been planning this the whole time?

"Her father owns Hiroshima Plaza. We would have connections with very respected people in the industry. This marriage would make our company rise up in both economically and in popularity, don't you think so?"

"Yes but you never talked to me about this! What about what I want? I don't want to marry her!" Todoroki snapped.

"It is not your choice. The only reason you were even born was to inherit Endeavor's! Now go check your schedule and tell me what date you're free so we could plan a meeting with their family."

Todoroki ran up the stairs and into his room , slamming the door shut. He was his father's puppet all along, he said to himself. His train of thought, however was interrupted by a loud ding coming from his phone.

>3 new notifications from messenger⚠️

Precious cinnamon roll💛 :
Hey Todoroki-kun!
I know you're busy right now but
I just wanted to talk to you so here I am!

Precious cinnamon roll💛 :
FaceTiming you was fun, I hope we could do it again
Some other time. Also about applying to
Tokyo university.. I think I will!
If I get in I hope we could be in the
Same classes and have fun together in real life!

Precious cinnamon roll💛 :
Well, I'm off studying. The entrance exam is in two weeks so I'll have to study rEALLY hard.
Wish me luck!


Me :
Goodluck! I know you can make it.

The next few weeks were filled with small talk between todoroki and Midoriya. Since Midoriya was busy with studying , the two didn't have much
Time to message each other.

Me :
when's your entrance exam?

Precious cinnamon roll💛:
On Tuesday , february 18th

[Monday , February 10th]

Precious cinnamon roll💛:

is it really tHAT good?

Precious cinnamon roll💛:

So he likes to suck on things..

Damn well now I know
What to get u as a gift
For when we meet up

[Tuesday , February 11th]

A week left till ur entrance exam!
Have u been studying well?

Precious cinnamon roll💛:
I've been studying so much
That I've only slept 3 hours the past two
Days and have only gone
Outside for school🤠

With the amount of effort
Ur putting in u might actually
get in.

Precious cinnamon roll💛:
"Might"? WJSJJS
Guess I still have a long
Way to go😪

[Wednesday , February 12th]

Precious cinnamon roll💛:
I just realized I don't know much
About u.. do u have anything else
Ur good at? Like apart from

Of course! I'm good at eVERYTHING
except dancing. Tbh the only person
That could be able to beat me would be a
Stripper cuz I can't dance for shit

Precious cinnamon roll💛:
I bet you'd have some good
Moves to show me in bed

Precious cinnamon roll💛:
WAIT! That wasn't me

I think I picked the wrong
Name for u..

Precious cinnamon roll is definitely the wrong name for him..

A few days went by leaving only 3 days till
Midoriya's Tokyo University entrance exam.

[Thursday , February 16th]

Precious cinnamon roll💛:
My mom and I are going
to the mall today. She says
she wants to show how proud
she is of me by letting me buy
some thing I want.
guess what I'm gonna ask for!

Uhh the new limited Edition
All might action figure?

Precious cinnamon roll💛:
Correct! There's gonna be a
Big line but if we get
There early enough
I might actually be able to get one!

Todoroki , on the other hand was busy because his father kept bugging him about his meeting with the Yaoyorozus. This meeting was an important business meeting and Endeavor didn't want it to be ruined because of his son.

"SHOUTO! The meeting will be held next week. Now we have to go suit shopping for you to make you presentable to the Yaoyorozus."

" I havent even agreed to this meeting, father!"

"Did you forget what I told you last time? This isn't your choice. Now go get ready and meet me in the car."

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