Chapter 50

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(Once again, sorry not updating😪 Didn't think school would keep me this busy SO I GUESS BACK TO WEEKLY UPDATES INSTEAD OF DAILY?😔)

The car enlightened everything on it's path, as it was the only light source this late at night. Sero drove the car while Midoriya was seated in the passenger seat. It was a quiet ride, to say the least.

Once Sero pulled up at the location Kaminari had sent him, they immediately got out of the car. After searching for a bit, they stumbled upon the two, clearly drunk boys.

"T-TODOROKI-KUN!" Midoriya called out, once he spotted his boyfriend.

"Heeeeeyyy baaaby~" Todoroki slurred, engulfing Midoriya into a hug. "H-hoow d'ya get h-here?"

Midoriya was surprised at how drunk he was but didn't question it, after all, Todoroki needed him right now.

"That's not important, right now. What's important is getting you back to the cabine!," Midoriya attempted to drag Todoroki towards the car.

"Nooo! I waaaaana staaayy~ l-lets go d-drink sooome mooore," the other whined.


"Is it just me or are Sero, Kaminari and Todoroki and Midoriya missing?" Kirishima pointed out.

"What?? I swear I literally just saw Midoriya sleeping-"

"Maybe they just wanted to get some fresh air?," Ashido questioned.


Meanwhile, Kaminari was nearly chocking Sero because of how tight he was hugging him.

"P-please- I need air!!!"

Kaminari giggled. "I missed chuuuuuu"

"K-Kaminari!" Sero half yelled making the other release him.

"Meaaannie" he pouted.

"Kaminari, please, we need to go back to the cabine. I'll make you some soup!" Sero tried to convince the other.

"Don't waaant any!" He whined. "I want you."


"I want you."


"Not in public! People are looking at us weirdly!" Midoriya was trying to stop Todoroki from kissing him.

"Whyyyy~ I want evERYONE to know how much I l-love you!"

"We can do that at home. Now please get into the car. I promise I'll cuddle you if you get into the car in the next 30 seconds!"



"Kaminari, you're drunk. You're gonna regret this when you get sober, let's just go home and sleep."

Sero wasn't too sure how to handle the situation. He wasn't sure if Kaminari actually meant what he was saying. He was drunk, after all. But then again, drunk words are sober thoughts?

"Hmmm" he giggled. "I'll forget about what happened anyways. As long as you don't bring any of this up, this will be forgotten. I don't know why but I've fallen in love with you, Sero. I don't need you to feel what I feel. I just wanted you to know that even if Midoriya isn't in love with you, that doesn't make you unlovable.


Taking care of drunk Kaminari and Todoroki definitely wasn't an easy task. Their personalities were both so different than what Sero and Midoriya were used to.

"Baaaby," Todoroki whispered into the younger's ear. "I've been thinking.... what if we did it."

"WHAT?!" Midoriya's face suddenly turned bright red. "Did it?!?"

"Yeaahh," his breath brushed against Midoriya's ears. "I want t-to do it."

"No. That's wrong, not when you're in this state," the younger sighed. "I wonder why he got so drunk to begin with," he thought.


"No buts. Good night, Todoroki-kun. I love you."

"Nightyy baaabe"


"Serooo" Kaminari turned around, facing away from Sero, who was right next to him. It was their turn to share the bed again.


"I love you," he whispered, barely inaudible.


Thank you for tuning in to read this <3

Couldn't update these past two weeks I'm so sorry😔

Don't worry tho! I'll definitely finish this fanfic :) plus next chapter Jimomo are meeting🤩

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