Thomas Imagine: Ready, Set, Roast!

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Warning: Swearing, slight fluff (no smut, just kissing really)
Word Count: 2300 words
Quick A/N: I'll admit it: I'm not proud of this one, but I am impressed with the roasts/insults! Feel free to them in any argument! :P

Drums beat loudly as the Gladers chatted and sang drunkenly. It was one of those nights, where they were all slaves to the Bonfire and Gally's recipe. She sat on the log, sipping her second jar of the mysterious golden drink. She had an amazing tolerance for it, while other Gladers could barely take a sip of it. She looked around at her fellow Gladers, a slight smile growing across her face as she watched several of them act like idiots.

"Alright! Everyone gather around," Alby called, catching everyone's attention. He cleared his throat, drink in hand. "Who's ready to play?"

Gladers cheered, clapping their hands above their heads. This was the game that decided who shall be messed with, the game where any insult isn't meant, the game where the most cheers wins, the game where everyone was friends during, before, and long after. Most importantly, this was the game that made [Y/N] feel like she had a purpose more than just a Track-Hoe.

"Alright, let's get everything in order. I need seven other volunteers. I have already filled the first spot because even I need to play every now and then," Alby laughed. "So who wants to go!"

The crowd of Gladers started chanting [Y/N]'s name, causing her to shrug and shout "Sure, why the hell not!" In response to her, Gally, Newt, and Minho instantly shot their hands up in the air, each receiving a place in the game. Frypan offered bacon to Alby in order for a spot, and Chuck eagerly called out to fill in a spot.

"Alright, alright! Settle down! We just need one more player. Who's gonna be it?" Alby asked. "Greenie? You wanna play?"

The Greenie, a boy roughly [Y/N]'s age with dark brown hair, looked nervously around.

"Come on, Greenie! You'll like this," The girl called, taking a sip of her drink.

The boy nodded. "OK, but how do we play?"

"[Y/N], you know the rules by heart. Care to explain?" Alby spoke, nodding to the girl.

"Alright, everybody listen up. I'm only going to share the rules once, so if you don't hear me, good luck," She winked. The boys cheered. "There are eight main players, two directly battling each other-"

"Woah, woah, woah. Battling?" The Greenie asked.

"Let me finish, Shank," She laughed. "There are three rounds, two being eliminated in the first, one in the second, and then a final winner being determined in the third. Instead of regular fist fighting, we are going to fight with our words. We call it roasting each other. For those that aren't playing this time, you need to cheer for whoever you think won that battle and should move forward in the game. More cheers equals a higher score for that player, unless of course if they say they forfeit."

The Greenie mumbled under his breath, running his hand through his hair.

"Everyone got it?" Alby shouted. The crowd nodded. "Alright, we have [Y/N] against Gally. You guys are up first!"

The Gladers formed a ring around the two. [Y/N] has befriended Gally the first day of her arrival. The shook hands, and Gally winked.

"One final thing!" [Y/N] shouted, getting everyone's attention once again. "Everything we say to each other, trust us. We don't mean it. The last thing we want to do is start a real fight," She smiled, turning back to Gally. "May the best Glader win."

"Gally, since you brutally lost last time, you have the floor. Ready, set, roast!" Alby announced.

Gally chuckled. "Alright then. Dear, sweet, [Y/N]," She rolled her eyes. "Keep rolling your eyes, and maybe you'll find your brain back there because I sure can't find it." The crowd "ooo'd".

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