A Letter from Me to You (A/N)

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Dear Readers,

Thank you all so much for your continued love and support of this book. It has really helped knowing that everything I write doesn't just go to waste. I know I have not posted in the longest time, but I'm trying my hardest. I have recently decided to go back and rewrite all of my first imagines (because I cringed when I reread them the other day), but trust me! I still have ideas, I promise!

Nearly three months ago, I wanted to never write again. I was experiencing such difficulty in it and not having a fun time during writing, so I went offline for what seemed like the longest time. Then a couple weeks ago, I regained the sudden urge to write and thankfully, and it hasn't left. I know it's been quite a while, but my brain suddenly swarmed with wonderful ideas for various imagines. Readers began to request imagines (which I apologize to the few that have been delayed for FAR too long), the amount of views increased to 30.7K (as of today), and I suddenly was at peace...so to speak. I also have begun to find my purpose as I search for a university to attend in the next year (probably less). That sounded cheesy...what I'm trying to say is that I thunk I've found what makes me, me, frankly?

Anyway, I've decided to try and connect more with you all. Of course, I'm not going to say "Hey! My name's this and I live here in blah blah blah!", but I will say:

"Hi. I'm going into college in roughly a year, I enjoy writing, and I live somewhere in the USA. I love watching movies (except for romantic ones) and writing for anyone that wants to read it. I am a sucker for sweets, occasionally eating several cups of ice cream at a time, especially if it has anything to do with chocolate. My favorite book series is The Maze Runner (but you probably could've guessed that) and my favorite TV series is the Office. I'm quirky, sometimes quiet, and very weird, but most times I'm just awkward. I am pretty much a night owl (really tired from once I wake up till like 2 PM and really awake as soon as the sun starts to set). I'm pretty friendly, so if you need someone who you can just rant to, feel free to choose me as that person to vent to. I'm trying to learn Spanish (I'm in my fourth year) so if you want something specific written in Spanish, go ahead and ask (it might not be greatly written though). I want to travel all over the world, get a book published, and eventually get a good job that pays well."

So there's a little bit about me, and hopefully this can make me seem more "relatable" and, as I like to phrase it, less like a computer and more like a human.

Again, let me thank all of you, no matter if you've been reading this book since I published it or if you have only recently decided to read, thank you all so very very much. I can't begin to say how much it helps.

From one reader to another,

P.S. I'll post imagines soon!

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