61. Zustin - Will Zayn Ever Reach Home and Sleep!

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61. Zustin - Will Zayn Ever Reach Home and Sleep!

Suddenly there was a loud booming noise on the quiet road as soon as the call was dismissed, making Zayn snap his head at the noise coming from the road he had come from. It was coming from the part where the nightclub was located. Zayn didn't give it any mind but he was alerted when the noises came closer and a car speedily came turning towards the road he was standing on the sidewalk of. The SUV was on high speed, blaring some nonsense music and a constant honking like someone had placed a hand on it and was too lazy to pull back

"Need a ride?" David Fucking Murderer shouted as he screeched in front of Zayn and took off his hand from the honk, thank god he wasn't driving but one of his scary minions was.

Zayn groaned loudly. This was his life now, he had a fucking stalker for a psychotic mafia who likes to kill people for fun. It was getting so irritating to the point that Zayn wanted to throw his cactus plant at David's head where Endellion had hidden the pen-drive, just so he could get one peaceful night and not have nightmares with David's creepy smile terrorizing his nights.

"You are so fucking lame, man. Stop following me." Zayn looked passed the SUV to see if the destiny wanted him to survive but the light was still red and the place was deserted. He should just cross the road get into the subway, run away from here. But Zayn had read enough news to know that accidents on empty roads have a higher rate than in the crowded traffic. So he stayed rooted to the spot and ignored David looming out of the car window.

"I was about to run you over then I remembered, I haven't established my good deed of today, so I let you live." David smiled the wicked crooked smile. He was wasted out of his mind, his eyes were drowsy like he had done nothing but drink the whole night, his clothes were ruined. there were bite marks and lipstick marks all over his face, his lips were bruised and hair askew. Overall David looked like he had an orgy in the bathroom.

Zayn wrinkled his nose at the stank David was giving, it was mixed with alcohol and cigarettes and sex, a lot of sex. "Next you will share, you sleep with a stuffed bunny in your arms because you are afraid of the big bad monster under your bed. If you are trying to bond with me, you are pretty prick at it."

"My hate towards you keeps getting worse. The next thing I know I have taken out my gun," To prove his point David took out his gun smirking, his eyes sparkling with happiness. David was always bad at taking others sarcasm at his ego, so it was not new that the first thing he thought about doing was scaring Zayn or killing him that instant.

Zayn was alerted now. Maybe he took things too far with the drunkard. Frizzy who was sitting in the backseat tried to place his hand on David to reason with him but David shushed him with his other hand. The one driving the car looked with panic towards Frizzy but they couldn't do anything against there boss, the left hand of the boss, but still a boss.

", might aim at you," He pointed the gun at Zayn, exactly in the middle of his forehead. They had a good distance between them plus David was drunk, his grip was little loose he could miss the target which was also worse than him being sober. Zayn swore he could feel the coolness of the gun on his skin, sending goosebumps all over his body. ", and shoot you dead."

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