70. Zustin - Zee, Please Keep Them Open, Babe.

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70. Zustin - Zee, Please Keep Them Open, Babe.


"Do the other one," Endellion said untieing Justin's left wrist and crouched down to do the same to the rope around Justin's legs. Justin complied as they both shot worried glances towards Zayn. Justin tried to free his other wrist faster when Zayn drew blood from his bottom lip, from how hard he was trying to contain himself. The screaming had stopped but the pain in those beautiful eyes that Justin had fallen deeply was so heartwrenching.

Endellion stood up fast and went to Zayn bending a little lower to get on eye level with him. Justin got up warily, cautions of the state of his own wounds. He felt his muscles tensing up at his move. He slowly rolled back his shoulders and moved his legs upside down, there was a little pop like sound but nothing seemed broken. 

After that Justin tried to move at once but the position he had been and the beating his body took wasn't something he was used to. He was in a lot more pain but his shoulders thankfully were not dislocated just badly injured. Justin sighed with relief seeing as Zayn was still propped up on the stool and not sprawled on the floor, the way David desperately had tried to do so. It appeared, even unanimated objects were in Zayn's favor.

"Zayn," Justin called as he placed his hand on Zayn's arm to draw his attention. Zayn breathed heavily at Justin's rescuing voice so close to him. Justin was afraid Zayn was going to scream again but Zayn just gulped and placed on a brave face.

Zayn was having trouble concentrating but he needed to be on his best to make decisions for himself. He had Justin and Endellion in much better condition to do that for him, but he could not pull up himself to just let go and leave it to them. He had survived this much he could stay up more to see everything turn up in their favor. 

"That bastard," Zayn said gruffly. Justin and Endellion both gave him a look of disappointment as he tried to cover up his pain. They knew Zayn hated to be vulnerable but this was not the freaking time for that. Just as they both were bending down to work on knots on his feet so they could unbind the whole long rope around Zayn's body, Zayn stopped them. "No, wait."

"What is it?" Endellion asked her hands twitching resting on the big knot just above Zayn's feet. Justin was standing promptly beside Zayn, his hands grasping lightly to Zayn in fear. Endellion had taken upon herself to do as much as of heavy lifting since she was the only one not limping in the house.

"Cut the ropes from my torso first," Zayn ordered finally giving in and wincing in pain as his foot wiggled where Endellion had her hands placed.

Justin stared at him as Endellion stood up before he could do anything, and went for the knife that David had tossed away. Endellion was really in no mood to question Zayn right now, Zayn was going to bloody get what he wanted. Zayn had saved their lives, he had gotten in danger and survived for them, especially for her. Zayn was as mentally stable as they were made to make any type of decision at moments like this, even if it was psychological trauma not happened a few minutes ago.

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