#35 - cold fingers

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your fingers were chilly from outside when you walked into the coffee shop, so you cupped your hands together, blowing warm breaths onto them as you order in hopes of warming them. your fingers brushed the dark boy behind the counters when he handed you for latte and he flinched back. "considered a pair gloves?" he joked and you smiled. "it's getting a bit chilly," you admitted and he slid his pair of mittens to you. "you can borrow mine. just, give it back next time?" "oh i couldn't-" you started but he shook his head. "you can, and you will. your hands would look awful funny without fingers," he joked and you blushed behind your coffee.


you tucked your fingers under luke's shirt while you were cuddling and he flinches back in surprise. "hey! no cold fingers!" he demanded and you giggled. "i'm cold," you whined playfully and he wrapped your hands in his, kissing your fingertips. "why didn't you just say so?" he asked, pulling your closer and kissing your lips.


settling your fingers on his cheeks after his performance, he sighed at the welcome chill. "your hands are cold," he informed you and you nodded. "yeah. and you're so hot, you'll warm 'em right up," you replied and he wrapped his arms around your middle. "not the only thing i'll warm up," he whispered, kissing your neck, making your cheeks hot too.


he hated when you had cold fingers after waking up, mostly because you'd place them against his stomach to wake him up. like that morning, when he jumped back, suddenly much too alert for just waking up. "that's not cool!" he told you and you giggled, curling up against him. "no, they're cold," you replied and he rolled his eyes. "that was a terrible joke," he admonished but kissed your lips.

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