Hecking annoyed

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Literally all fanfictions are either smut or fluff AKA sexual or romantic and I really don't care for Sebastian Stan to "never be able to forget that one fan because she was sooo beautiful." 

I want to be best friends with Peter and feel at home at the avengers compound and buy him a can of bug spray for Christmas. 

I want to be in a high-stakes silent competition with Thor and come up with increasingly absurd ways of trying to communicate with everyone else.

I want to find out I'm Nat's niece and go with her during missions, and she'll buy me ice cream after.

But nooo, instead I get fan fictions about Loki fucking the brains out of you and then bringing you to a sappy, boring dinner. 

And the thing is if I don't want smut or fluff, basically the only other fanfic category is angst, but I don't want to hear about Tony's panic attacks and get really sad. It's just really frustrating.

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