We writing a book!! Part 2

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Okay!! So so far what we've decided is:

The main character is gender fluid and they go between female, Demi-girl, and agender. If anybody is gender fluid, agender, or Demi-girl, can you tell me what it's like and stuff? I don't know a ton about them, and I want to write them well. 

Next is names. I'm gonna write the ones y'all said (plus maybe a few more), and comment on the ones you like :) 

Also side note but I googled gender neutral names and one of the options was Lennon???? 



















They're either going to be short or tall because votes were split equally on that

Their personality will be sarcastic, hardworking, and argumentative. For hardworking I was thinking maybe they could work fervishly for things they're motivated about but also won't try at all for things they don't acre about. Thoughts?

They're an ambivert

Their flaws are that they're not comfortable with being serious, they care too much about what people (especially parents) think of them, and they put others first to an unhealthy extent

Their greeting is either hi, 'sup fuckers, or *silence* (which is honestly me wow)

What they call other people was kind of spread out, so I'm gonna write all the ones that got comments and y'all can vote again



-you/you guys


-my dude(s)




-encased skeleton(s)



-Fellow deception(s) 😏

-Or alternatively, fellow (random noun) 

 Their motivation is kind of complicated because they say it's for sleep and to get everything over with, but it's actually that they want platonic love and approval from everyone/society, their parents, and someone who has previously hurt them (which could also be their parents/society)

They're aromantic

They're somewhere between 14 and 17, so please comment which year in between all those

Their comfort topics are pro LGBTQ+ rights and memes/boomers

They do theater, writing, and they're on the speech team. They like watching Netflix, but seeing from their other hobbies, they don't have much time for that. There are a lot of speech events, so I'm gonna write the names and a brief description of some and y'all can choose

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