Whoa. People exist. CRAZY

228 22 16

I'm going to start with a thing that happened about a year and a half ago because yes.

So a year and a half ago, a bunch of my friends and I were watching Netflix, and we were trying to find a new show to watch. So I found a show that I now forget, and everyone agreed that the plot was interesting, but then my friend said to check the cast. And we ended up not watching. Because everyone else agreed that we shouldn't watch a show if there weren't any hot guys in it. And then we ended up watching a show everyone admitted didn't look that great but had two whole hot guys !! Wow !! 

To be honest, people miss out on a lot of really good shows because they don't have any 'hot' people. 

A good thing that did happen about a year and a half ago was made new friends !! And since then we've discovered we're all LGBTQ+. So that's very fun and good and our problems are more relatable and whatnot, but then there's always someone sending a picture of a woman to our group chat and everyone suddenly goes off about how the woman could break their spine and all of that. 

Because of quarantine, we're all bored and miss each other so we were doing would you rather and stuff over text, and one of my friends said handsome girls or pretty boy, and everyone started talking about what an impossible choice it is. Such a free life I have without these great difficult question weighing on me.

And I get that clearly it's important. Just watching everybody as an asexual, I really really don't get why it's such a big deal that people exist. 

Yet another reason we should go establish a town/country in the middle of nowhere !!

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