Help me

368 22 19

My best friend is bi-curious, and she asked me for help? Advice? Idrk, but when I was questioning, what I wanted more than anything else was someone in my life who would understand what I was going through and be able to give answers to my questions (shoutout to @youbrothersteph for being the most amazingly helpful and awesome human being ever)

The problem is, I feel like I'm the least helpful person to ask about that stuff because I'm not even allosexual, so I'm going to ask you guys for help because then we can combine all our clueless brains and hopefully find a solution.

Why she thinks she might be bi: She had a dream about dating a girl. She doesn't know the girl in her dream, and I don't exactly remember what she said, but I'm pretty sure they didn't do anything nsfw. She said it might be because no guys liked her, so maybe she wanted to look at girls too? But I don't think that's really a thing.

I bunch of my friend group is LGBTQ+, so maybe it was because she wanted to fit in, and then she had a dream about it? I don't knowwww

So please give your thoughts and opinions

(I was gonna put this with my last chapter, but that one was already getting pretty long)

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