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So basically I was feeling brave, and I was like, yeah okay I but I can read this story with smut in it. Well, I severely misjudged how smutty the story was, but I for whatever reason felt the need to finish the chapter, so I did

And in the comments, all these people were like, "I'm going to hell for reading this," and similar things. Where does this whole 'sex is evil' thing even come from?

I know some religions are extremely against sex before marriage, so is it kind of like a joke that sex is some awful thing? Society is also kind of obsessed with virginity, so that might be part of it too. But like what's the big deal about reading smut? Like yeah it's graphic, but is it like literary porn or something? 

I'm just going to go with the assumption that people don't jack off while reading smut.

A lot of acephobes say that we think we're better than allos, and I don't get that because I mean, we just don't. And I've heard story's of people telling asexuals they were lucky or pure when they came out. 


Are they just saying that because they want a reason to hate us, or are they jealous and then making us seem worse so they won't be jealous????

I don't get why sex and sexual attraction are such bad things. According to a lot of the same people, sex and that stuff is what makes life interesting.

I literally just don't understand acephobe logic

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