We're literally not even that different??

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My whole thing against coming out is that I don't want people to make assumptions about me. I mean yeah I know, be your true self, you don't want to be friends with those kind of people anyway, but like???? It's not like they're making informed decisions. Society paints us as antisocial fucks who wear a trench coat or something everyday lest someone see a fragment of skin, so I'm not really about to blame some teenager for making assumptions without doing the research for things that don't really affect them. I do that all the time too.

But I was hanging out with my friends the other day, and we were talking about me staying in my brother's frat house. Anyway one of them says "ooh I bet there are cute guys... oh wait,"

And I just told her I'd take pictures of them for her, but then mentally I was suddenly like "Okay let's lay off the ace jokes for a while." On a side note, that right there is a great way to stretch out think (I'm tired so this is probably going to have many side notes) 

SO ANYWAY I don't know if I'm just making a big deal out of this, but when that happened, it wasn't awkward or anything. Like everything flowed fine, and they weren't like ew rose you're weird. They just said haha show me pictures. But I've had a big talk with them, and they've had time to get used to it, so it's more normal. As I've said before, nearly everyone I'm not out to that I've heard talk about asexuality thinks it's very weird. On another side note, I am doing the best job at making y'all feel optimistic about this, aren't I?

Continuing (I finally used something other than anyway or also yay me) we're not that different? Like in the beginning, I thought I couldn't be ace because I didn't feel like I had this massive obvious difference from everyone, and then I thought I didn't feel like that because I'd always been ace. But now I think it's probably not that big of a thing. Whoo thought progression amirite

I mean I don't hang around people who only talk about sex, so that's probably part of it, but even when we talk about sex, I don't feel that weird. I guess it's kind of unusual for someone to start making jokes about not wanting to fuck people, but it's not that weird.

So my big point is people need to chill with the whole "asexuals are super different" thing because we're not

Good night y'all.

It's fucking only 9:14 and I haven't been able to concentrate all day because I'm so tired and ANWYAY GOOD NIGHT

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