My FaNtAsY

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Disclaimer: Despite my past of showing a gargantuan desire to be in a sexual relationship (I'm kidding), this part is shockingly not about sex (Who knew I, being a very sex-positive allosexual person, would want a future without sex??)

Anyway this is my ✨ideal future✨ (I'm turning into a niche meme account more and more every day) 

-First off, I'm living with a bunch of friends. This is my ideal future, so we're gonna say like 7+ friends, but preferably more.

-I'm fine with most of my friends that I live with to be dating or married or whatever, I just need a few that are ace or aroace or aro

-I think I wanna live in a massive apartment. It would take up the entire floor, if not multiple floors.

-One of us would have a cousin or parent or something with an insane mansion on a private island or something that we'd all be invited to every summer 

-I'm good if some of my friends have kids, but I want for us to all foster a kid (or multiple) together

-There'd be a schedule for who has to figure out dinner and when

-We'd have a friend night. It would be sort of like a date night, but all of us would just hang out. Maybe we'd all do laser tag one night, or go to dinner, or see a movie, or have a snowball fight, or a bake off, and stuff like that.

-At least one or two of my friends would draw or do some other form of art, so we could hang up their stuff around the massive apartment. 

-We'd have a secret room in the back of a closet or something.

-All of us go to Disney and Universal together? Yes.

-Secret Santa every christmas

-Whenever someone's relative visits, we make the guest room really nice and decorate it with things that that guest likes. We'd also have one of those basket things that hotels have.

-None of us are famous, but we know A TON of famous people, and we're invited to concerts and movie premiers and shows all the time. A lot of celebrities have stayed at our apartment, and we get to go to movie sets and musical rehearsals and stuff like that too. 

-When one of us is going on a trip without everyone else, everyone who's not going makes a care package for their trip. It varies time to time, but generally has gum, snacks, water (or coffee if it's an early flight), a neck pillow, etc.

-Everyone has a wishlist of things that they want that's taped onto the fridge, so presents aren't that hard. 

-We own a bus 

-Like a celebrity toor bus

-The bus has surround sound

-We all have the same Apple Music account so it costs less, but each of us has a different playlist with our names

-When we go on road trips, someone's playlist is randomly chosen and it's played throughout the trip.

-We have a jar in our apartment where everyone puts their extra cash, and we use that to pay for property and electricity tax and stuff like that.

-If there's extra money, we use it to decorate the secret closet room

-Btw, this closet room is a very legit room, it just can only be accessed by a small entrance in the back of a closet

-The room has a loft

-It's a pretty big loft, and there's a projector in the ceiling the projects onto the wall opposite the loft.

-We turn the entire apartment into a haunted house for halloween and invite a ton of people

-We all have really good paying jobs so we can easily afford all this stuff

-Also, we open that ace camp that I mentioned a while ago

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