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Okay first of all this is my opinion, not gospel, and I don't intend this to be offending, and not like, "no offense but I'm about to offend you and I know it, but you can't do anything cuz I said no offense." It just can be a sort of sensitive topic, but I don't mean for this to be rude or hurt anyone's feelings. If it does, please tell me so I can change it.

I think that lists of microlabels are important to have access to because they make things less wayyy less confusing for people. I don't think they should be treated as their own sexualities because they're not about which people you're attracted to, they're about how you're attracted to people, and they're not about gender either

However, there's a lot of them, so don't think you should tell people your micro labels when you come out to them unless you and the person you're coming out to are really close. If you're Demi or grey-ace though, I think you can be a little more lenient with who you tell cuz those are more widely known and accepted. But if you're lithrosexual for example, when you're telling people, just say you're ace because that's basically how you'll feel about someone when it matters for a relationship, and those are basically the whole point of attraction.

Also, if you have microlabels regarding one of the kinds of attraction that isn't sexual or romantic (aesthetic, sensual, or platonic), it's good for you to know for yourself, but it isn't really necessary for anyone else. Part of it is because people will probably not take you seriously for it, which is mean of them, but there's not much you can do, and it doesn't realllyyyyy matter that much if you're demiaesthetically attracted to people.

Kind of unrelated, but I feel like when I see someone I'm aesthetically attracted to, I don't really have any interest in actually talking to them? It might be a thing that you want to get to know people you're sexually attracted to and that's become a norm, but it doesn't actually bleed over to aesthetic attraction.

Okay, I think that's everything I had to say

Good night (at this veryyyy late hour of 9:04)

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