Special Show

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Third person POV
Today Bts was having a special show go their fans, during the show they would be performing random songs that date back to debut days.
(Me: I couldn't think of a way do write this so each song the perform I will describe how it was performed. Ok? Ok.)

House of Card by the vocal line:

When the music started playing the lights would flick to black and when they came back on the boys four were in theirs spot in front of theirs mics. They started off all looking down but when their first line came they would lift their head to sing. When the song ended confetti that looked like cards would fall from the ceiling. The lights would black again and they were gone.

Outro: Tear:

They would start out the same as House of Cards. Heads down and when their part came they lifted their head. When they would say "Your my tear V, Jin, and Jungkook would appear and look sadly out into the crowd with tears coming down their faces along with dried tears. When They said "Your my fear" Karma would appear on his knees clutching his head crying. When the song finished the lights would flicker and all four of the boys would appear and look out at the crowd with dull emotionless eyes, as they did that they the four of them mumbled something along the lines "I'm sorry, my love." and disappear again.

Fake Love:

One by one they would appear. Each had a symbol that would appear on the screen behind them. Once they appeared they would get in line and when the music started it went as a normal performance would. When the song ended and in final position they would drop to their knees.

Serendipity, Singularity, Euphoria, Epiphany:

(Couldn't think of anything. Feel free to comment something and I will add it here!)

Sorry it isn't much but I'm in a depressed mood. And I also decided that when I make a chapter I will add the song I was listening to when I started. (there will be a lot of MCR, FOB, Palaye Royale, Panic! at the Disco, and Set It Off.)
Bye Now!

(update: looking back on this i am realizing how sad and weird this was. whoops. april 28th, 2020)

Made: 4/26/2019

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