Deadly Sins

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Well who would've guessed I would be a powerful and influential being wreaking havoc and saving lives along side some of the most known legends in the world

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Well who would've guessed I would be a powerful and influential being wreaking havoc and saving lives along side some of the most known legends in the world. Each member has a symbol with a meaning.

Yoongi: Sloth

Jungkook: Envy

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Jungkook: Envy

Namjoon: Wrath

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Namjoon: Wrath

Namjoon: Wrath

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Jimin: Lust

J-hope: Gluttony

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J-hope: Gluttony

J-hope: Gluttony

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Seokjin: Pride

Taehyung: Greed

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Taehyung: Greed

Karma: Revenge (Couldn't really find a image

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Karma: Revenge (Couldn't really find a image

As you can see we each have a symbol, and every person has  a story on how they got their symbol

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As you can see we each have a symbol, and every person has a story on how they got their symbol. Each is a sad story. I was used a lot when I was still alive, people walked all over me and didn't care. But now I have the idiots. Although when fight they are serious they aren't really that way in real life (Or should I say death.) I'm happy I came here. I would have never been able to meet people that actually care about me.
I'm trying to get as many out as I can tonight so I know they are bad. I have testing so I won't get out until around 1:10-1:30 so I might release one of my own ideas instead of using a prompt. Anyways wish me luck! Bye Peeps!

P.s I don't own any of the pictures or the videos. And I'm sorry if you don't like the symbol but I couldn't find anything and I know this was bad it wasn't as good as I wanted it to be.

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