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life sucks. that's just putting it simply.

but there is always a light for everyone. mine is this really adorable boy that works at the flower shop i pass every day. he's always tending the roses when i pass. i've only talked to him once sadly. i'm too much of scaredy cat to ask him out.

today was like any other day. i get beat up by him at school and rush out to the woods. there was a pretty clearing with and abandoned truck. it was great. the first few times i came it liked bad, but i fixed it up. soon after i started finding roses in the drivers seat. it took awhile, but i had finally fixed the place up. and after that i started finding small bouquets of well kept wildflowers. my entire room was filled with little and big vases of them. my favorite were the honeysuckles. they had a pretty scent.

i had never seen anyone here though. that's what always left me skeptical. had someone followed me? did someone else come here and leave flowers for decoration? am i taking this person flowers? am i overthinking this? probably.

today was odd. it had rained today, and there were fresh tracks in the mossy path. i stumble my way to the clearing. well, this is odd.

there was the flower shop boy. he was placing a bouquet of lavender and honeysuckle on an abandoned tire. a twig snapped under my foot, grabbing his attention. i smiled awkwardly at him. this feels odd,,, but comfortable? he sat the bouquet down and looked at me. he had pretty green doe eyes.

"u-uh, hi"
he stuttered out.

oh my. he's so adorable!

i said as calmly as i could get out.

i walked to the tire with the bouquet and crouched next to it. he looked at me with amazement.

"so you're the one that has been taking the bouquets. i'm so glad it's you and not some weirdo."
he said with a relieved sigh.

i smiled.

"yea. the flowers are pretty. i keep most of them in vases in my room."
i grinned up to him and said.

this made him smile.

"i guess it's now or never."
he whispered out.


"would you like to go on a date with me?"


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