The Beginning

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"Stop please" 

"Don't do it!"

"I'm too young!"

"Listen to me please!"

"You don't have to do this!"

All of their pleas  rang through my ears as I stared down at them. It's funny how they beg, it won't work, they deserve it. I could sense all four of the lurking brothers behind me, watching. You could call it curiosity, they had been studying me for awhile now, I honestly don't mind it. I finished off all of the rest of the pathetic excuse of humans and walked out with a pleased smile. They had finally broken me, they deserved it. I walked along the narrow path through the forest. I have memorized this after so many times of running on it. This is where I met the four Slender brothers. They would protect me when I ran, and stayed with me until I had the courage to go back to the retched place I had to call home. There was the sound of light bells jingling beside me before I felt a tentacle rap around my arm. "That was great!" Splendor exclaimed. "Thanks, But this is only the beginning. Let's get this game going."

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