He's the Key

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All eight of them haven't been in the same vicinity in years. Seven people of them had gotten back together to help save the kingdom, but they forgot a main key to their problem. They would need him. He was never something that most people wanted to show up, but he always proved to be very helpful. Most humans didn't see him as powerful until they encountered him. If you ever saw the boy with ginger hair followed by three tigers, carrying a scythe, then you wouldn't really doubt his capabilities again.

Each had tiger had abilities. One for the decisions that lead to the situation, one other tiger to control the persons decisions during the deal, and the third for help with any decision after the 'contract' ends. Lots believed the tigers powers were just a theory. I mean, how do tigers control things like that? It's not possible!

If you think that these tigers abilities are myth then you are completely correct. It is a ruse, he uses his powers to deceive. That's part of his sin.

It was highly thought his sin was revenge. But it was something slightly different.


Both are alike, but different. Citizens thought that if their situation was really bad, he would show up to help with revenge. But he only chose certain people, it was his job to hand out punishment, but he had to have a reason to.

He wasn't as ruthless as the other sins and always hesitated to jump straight into battle. Everything he did was very, very calculated and if you ever experienced his wrath, there is no way you will make it out alive without your whole life being absolute horror.

Sorry, I'm getting side tracked.

When 'all' of the sins banded together they soon realized that none of their plans would work without him. This is basically his speciality.

But there is a slight problem.

After the sins left him out on that narrow road out of fear he would hold them back, he disappeared. Completely off the radar.

People started hearing rumors of a short male wearing a cloak helping citizens right before the betrayal to the throne. It was a wild chase looking for the one and only

Alaric Ward sin of Retribution
Alaric Ward the new leader of The Ten Commandments

"Do you want to know something unfortunate?"
- Alaric


"They still think I'm coming back. Maybe they will know the feeling of what it's like to be left behind and betrayed. It's been my default emotion for years. It'll be a crude awakening for them. It's my new job to make them watch their entire universe crumble. I'm their key but I don't fit the lock."
- Alaric

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