Go Trip Over a Knife

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We had them all pinned whether us was to a tree or the ground. I have to say they put up a good fight. We recognized the four of them but apparently they don't know who we are. Of course they called for help *sigh*. All four of the tall faceless men appeared in front of us. Splendor and Offender were confused, while Trender and Slender were calm. When they saw that who we were they quickly understood. "Moon let them down, tell the others too since they don't listen to us." Slender sighed out. We let them go but of course Jeff tried to pin me so I put my hand up and he stopped mid air, I let my hand drop and he landed on the floor like a starfish. "Watch it." I said coldly looking down at him. We all took our masks of and something seemed to click in Toby's head. "I-I'm so so-sorry." he stuttered out. Once Jeff got back you could say he was shocked, I would hope you would be if the worlds most famous killing group was standing in front of you. Splendor laughed a little. Hoshi whispered something in my ear and I snickered quietly. "You might want to watch out and pay attention to who you are attacking next time, I would've killed you but Slender wouldn't be too happy with me." I said. Technically Creepypasta can't be killed, but our powers allow us to do anything. Absolutely anything, cool right? If we really wanted to they could just disappear, from everything. Though like I said, Slender wouldn't be happy. "We are going back to our mansion, we aren't needed anymore." I said as Hoshi, Mingyu, and Jeonghan followed. Before we could get to far though a tentacle wrapped around my wrist. I looked down and saw a very dark black tentacle, of course it's Slender. "What?" "Thank you for not killing them, I do need them." I smiled at him and said, "I wouldn't kill good killers, that's just a waste." This time instead of actually taking the effort to walk away we just teleported home. Damn, we were all tired. I walked to my room Hoshi following like always. "I'm taking a shower, there is a garnet hoodie in my drawer and a pair of your shorts too." I said to him. After my shower I walked out of the room and music was blasting. How ironic that the lyrics "Alright dude, go trip over a knife" played. I laughed quietly and laid down on the bed. My god I need sleep.
I really need to make a damn schedule or something, but I never have ideas so when I get one I just write it down. I don't own the photo or video. Bye Peeps!

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