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It was deathly silent between the two teenagers. One was trembling, and one was giving a blanked stare.

This was a common occurrence, the trembling boys name was Kai. His boyfriends name was Tyler. Tyler was psychotic, and killed everyone he thought was getting in the way of his relationship with Kai.

Kai was a sweet kid with a bad past and lots of PTSD. Don't let him fool you, he isn't innocent at all, but he is better at hiding how insane he is. Kai was more of a sociopath, every move he made strategic and choreographed.

Of course Tyler didn't know this. As long as Tyler never found out, he could keep convincing him that he actually managed to kill Kai's friends. Every time Tyler planned to kill one of his loved ones, Kai found out and saved them just in time.

As for what's happening right now, Kai is seriously testing his acting abilities. He seemed to be doing good, because Tyler looked extremely convinced by his little charade. This time Tyler had gone after Kai's best friend, Tori. Oh was that a huge mistake on his part.

Tyler never expected the blonde girl to actually have the fighting skills or confidence to fight back against his tall frame. She had injured hid foot slightly, and scratched his cheek. Tyler was lucky that these wounds were easy to cover up.

"Everything will be ok." mustering all the emotion he could, Tyler finally broke the deafening silence of the small café.

It might be ok for Kai, but Tyler was in for one hell of gory ride. Kai was really struggling not to laugh at Tyler's pathetic attempt to act sincere. Tyler was so oblivious to the actual situation he had gotten himself into. He would never know the real reason to come to this small café, he would never know that all of Kai's friends were analyzing the live footage through the security cameras.

And most importantly, he would never know the intricate planning of his death going on inside of Kai's pretty little head.

Kai reached a shaky hand towards his drink, 'accidentally' knocking his drink onto the floor. Tyler got up to find a rag to clean it up with and Kai got down onto the floor to pickup the plastic cup his tea smoothie was in. Sadly he just wasted a perfectly good chai tea smoothie, but it was part of his newly created plan.

He carefully slipped his phone out and texted his friend Cydney to grab a small dose of ketamine. She quickly came with it and ran back to the surveillance room. Kai slipped the drug into Tyler's drink about a half a minute before he came back.

He held a somewhat dirty rag, and his slightly flustered look gave way to his efforts to find a rag in the humidity of the supply closet. Tyler lightly threw the rag to Kai and he caught it with ease. Tyler picked up his coffee and took a big sip. Kai couldn't help but smile to himself, god his boyfriend was so oblivious and that fueled his sadistic side.

Tyler started to look dizzy so Kai stopped was he was doing and walked to him. Instead of actually helping like Tyler thought he would, he slipped Tyler's mouth open and poured more of the coffee down his throat. Tyler's dizzy brain was trying to piece together what was happening.

For the first time in awhile, Tyler was genuinely confused. Whatever was doing this to him, was effecting his brain's ability to function properly. He could feel himself blacking out, and Kai just watched as his boyfriends eyes rolled back and soon closed.


Tyler woke up terribly slow. When he was fully awake and able to think right, he started thinking about the strange events of the night before. He could still taste that terrible bitter flavor. How he hadn't noticed earlier was beyond him. Maybe because he was so thirsty, or maybe because he hadn't expected his boyfriend to drug him. Tyler was trying to pinpoint the specific drug used, but had never actually tasted any. The only way he could tell was if he smelled it.

Knocking himself out of his thoughts, he studied his surroundings. It was a small room, the ground padded like one in an asylum. Then he noticed the door, it was metal and looked incredibly heavy. Too heavy for him to even move it an inch in his current state.

After a minute or two of trying to find a way to unlock the door, it slowly started to creak open. Once it fully opened, Tyler was disappointed to see no one there.

"oh my god! you look so desperate! Is it because you're not used to being the one chained up?"

The figure slowly came from behind the opened door. Of course, that's why the voice was so familiar. Kai stepped into the small room.

Normal people might have lost their footing on the padded floor, but he seemed scarily used to it. Kai's face held a sadistic smirk, his entire being was radiating confidence and smugness.

"you're reaction to that drug was odd. shouldn't have made you pass out. maybe I used to much? or maybe Cydney grabbed the wrong one." Kai wasn't really mumbling to himself like normal. He wasn't speaking to anyone specifically, but it seemed directed to someone. Probably someone overseeing the little visit.

The short teenager pulled something out of his pocket while walking towards Tyler. Once close enough Tyler inspected the tool, it appeared to be a scalpel. Tyler had to guess Kai had gotten it from his mother, who never failed to creep him out. Who knows she might have given it to him willingly.

Kai had calmed down, a small smirk now adorned his face. The boy crouched in front of the chained teenager. The hand with the scalpel reached towards his face and started tracing his jawline.

The fear was slowly starting to set in, as the small surgical item started tracing harder than it had.

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