You Have to Make It

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Earth is a beautiful yet dangerous and dark place. It's filled with people that can either be amazing or horrible. I strive to be one of those people who are always smiling and happy. But I can't be. Life hates me so much but I still try. I am always there to make sure my seven amazing friends are happy, they deserve happiness. Me on the other hand......I don't. That's what I'm always told, that no matter what I'm useless my parents hate me and there is nothing I can do. There is a specific reason why I guess just because I was born. But as long as my friends are happy I'm fine. But I ruined everything. I was clingy and annoying and pushed them away. So since they don't want me I will make there wish come true. As long as they are happy. As long as they are happy. As long as they are happy. Anyway the pills are kicking in. I won't last much longer. But of course they interfered. I black out as soon as i felt multiple pairs of arms wrap around me. "You will make it, you have to." I heard someone whisper before I lost complete control on my body.
I know this is sad but so am I. I really need someone to vent to but nobody knows how I feel and I'm afraid to tell anybody. But you all probably don't care so, Bye Peeps.

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