Shade Never Made Anyone Less Prideful

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We all walked, it's been about an hour but oh well. Everyone was wearing their colors, I of course had Pink, yellow, and blue. Damn these parades were so colorful, I used to not like bright colors, but now I love it. Yes, I get hate and it hurts me, but you have to look past it and be happy. I have a magnificent boyfriend, so what. Maybe he started out as a she, but does that matter? As long as you are you, nobodies opinions matter, if someone hurts you don't hesitate to contact me. I might be famous but I will definitely try to help you. Life isn't fair, but you just have to make the best of it. I've had to put up with years of hate, but my boyfriend Woozi gave me confidence (no I am not saying Woozi is Trans, I just chose someone off the top of my head).
This was rushed. Also if you ever need help with coming out or are having problems fitting in, contact someone. People are just judgy assholes sometimes. My parents are sweet people but I'm still struggling to come out to my stepdad, I thought about to the point where I cried. So if you ever need help just contact someone.

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