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The rain soaked everything. His clothes, shoes, hair, but he didn't care.

Neither did his boyfriends. The five of them just stood there.

All of them knew Kai absolutely loved the rain, it calmed him down. The glimmer that Kai reflected in his eyes was enough to hypnotize Shinso.

Just the calming look on his face held Bakugo in place.

Kirishima and Kaminari always smiled at Kai and encouraged him to continue shuffling forward.

Todoroki walked close to him to make sure Kai stayed on the muddy trail.

It was routine for them to venture into the forest with Kai every time it rained. His favorite spot was deep into the middle of the woods.

To Kai, this place held all of his early memories. When he just needed a break from life or his siblings constant arguing, this was the place he would run.

He had managed to get lost in her only one time. When he was little, he unknowingly used his quirk to control a deer to take him somewhere relaxing.

His quirk was something liked Shinso's, but he could use any power related to the mind (mind control, telekinesis, hallucinations, illusions, telepathy, emotion manipulation, dream manipulation, etc.).

His parents were always pushing him to control his quirk for good reason, but as a kid he didn't understand that. Kai believed his parents just didn't like his quirk because they didn't have one.

That was one of the many stressors that lead him to the forest, and directed him towards trying to find something to calm his mind. He hated his quirk until he learned to actually control all of it.

Kai found that coming to the huge angel oak, and listening to the rain, helped him get his mind under his control again.

The only reason he had ever actually met any of his five boys was this place.

Kirishima was worried, and dragged Bakugo with him to walk Kai to the then small oak.

Shinso decided to talk to Kai after learning how similar their quirks were. Shinso eventually asked Kai how he controlled his quirk better, and Kai lead him to the tree and taught him how to focus on only the sound of the rain.

Todoroki had, creepily enough, followed Kai here after finding it confusing at how he always darted out of the classroom after the last lesson was over.

Although Kai did still come her to calm down, he mostly visited because of the pure nostalgia he felt while reminiscing on the sweet memories.

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