"Is It Worth It"

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Is it really worth holding on anymore I mean honestly, does he really think I wouldn't notice. Apparently he doesn't know the side affects of one sided love. I knew he didn't love me, which is why I'm sitting on the floor of our room with blood covered flower petals in my lap. It's been to long. There isn't a way other than surgery that could save me. I already know that nobody would help me not even my family. I'm that hated. I held on too long now I pay the consequences. I didn't want to go out this way. Not at all. But at least I don't have to deal with this horrible world anymore. I continue to cough up flowers, more petals and more blood. This is normal something I have grown used to. Sitting alone and dealing with my problems by myself. But like I said there is nothing that can save me now. Everything is starting to fade. That was quicker than I thought.
"I love you Jimin."
Do you want to know something weird. When I read things like this I cry but when I write it I'm completely emotionless. My family really wonders what I'm doing when I sit on the couch with an emotionless face while typing on my phone. But anyway, Bye Peeps!
P.s I don't own the picture or the video.

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