It's Lonely

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What even is reality anymore. You know that feeling when you are just completely taken over by anxiety. It sucks. I always chase perfection even though I know I will never reach it. I have a blank expression but oh well. My mind is a home I'm trapped in, and it's lonely inside this mansion. My mind is a house full of lyrics. You get the real version of life when you go downstairs. It's where I write when I need to release and let out my emotions. Let out the version of me nobody wants to see. You might get a glimpse of how I cope with myself. Physically abused, that's a room no one wants to be in. It's quite a empty and clear room, I just don't want to go in. But I'm already in here so I guess I have to live through the pain, thank the people that hurt me. I need to burn this room to the ground, but I can't for some reason. I sit in the corner while you can see the fear in me, congratulations you'll always have a room in my mind but I'm going to keep the door closed and lock the monsters inside. My mind is a house covered I pain, I don't fix things I just repaint and wish my problems disappear. I wish I could change, if you're confused, come up stairs I'll show you. This room is full of my regrets. I already want to leave. It's hard to though, this is the room where I sleep. Take a look around, look at the lyrics on the wall. The first lyrics were when I realized I was losing my mom. I wish I would have called before she left, I regret the fact that I struggled to find myself. I lie to myself and say I do the best that I can, shrug it off like it's nothing. But it always affects my plans. You see this part of my house? No ones been in it for years, it's my safe room I don't let anyone in there. There's a chance that they might disappear. I'll admit I'm emotionally scared, I don't want you to have the opportunity to hurt me. I'm stuck inside so don't try to me. I built this because I thought it was safer in here but it's not. Fear came here years ago and I just let him in. Guess that's a problem, but he acted nice. I'm just naive. It's lonely but so what? I'm stuck and nobody can save me.
I don't own the photo or video.
Bye Peeps!

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