It's My Choice

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(I will probably be referring to the character as Night but feel free to use your own name.)

The two watched as an ash blonde picked on the small boy. This boy was always a target for bullies, why you ask? No one knows his quirk, he's tiny, he always wears a blindfold. The ash blond, Bakugo, was his main bully. The other two were Todoroki and Midoriya. Midoriya was easy to embarrass and didn't have a quirk, he also got picked on by people but mostly Bakugo. Todoroki was quiet and stoic, he didn't talk much and only ever talked was to add his own opinion in an argument or question someone. [Name] was a mix of the two, he was quiet, small, and stoic.

As the years went by the bullying got worst. [Name] kept his quirk a secret and this angered Bakugo more than normal. No matter how much he tried, Bakugo couldn't get [Name] to show his eyes. He was going through extreme measures to try and find out what he was hiding, none of these plans were working, obviously.

Bakugo's POV
God dammit, everything I do he just ignores! It getting on my nerves!

"What's so bad, that you have to hide it without telling or showing anybody?!" -Bakugo

He hesitated for a second before responding.

"It's my choice whether or not I will show you my eyes or quirk." - [Name]

He turned on his heal and walked of campus in the direction of the local park. No I'm not a stalker, I pass that park every time I walk home and he is always there.

Todoroki's POV
Me and Izuku were standing a little behind Bakugo and watched everything play out. It was fun watching him frustrate Bakugo, us two have known him since we were in grade school. It hasn't been that long only a few years, we aren't even in high school yet.

Third POV
The blue haired boy continued walking, not bothering to stop at the park and going straight home. It was his parents orders. He was told to pack so they could catch their plane on time. His parents were normally chill people but their new jobs are now causing them to move. In fact they won't stay in one place for more than a month. Eventually they will move back to Japan, just not for a few years.

Gasps of shock were heard all throughout the schoolyard at the sight of the boy. His hair was black and had streaks of dark blue and silver. Many recognized him easily since he kept in touch with most of them. Well most except the special three, everyone knew not to tell them where he went, when he would be back, or if he was even alive. Saying that seeing him shocked them would be and understatement. He continued walking while multiple people followed him.

[Name]'s POV
Everyone looked happy to see me, well for the most part. The three idiots seemed to be a mix of confusion, happiness, and shocked. I don't blame them, the other four that were behind me caught up to me and kept our conversation going. Erza and Lucy were talking about baking Erza a cake later while Grey and Natsu were trying to hold a conversation without arguing.

"Yo, Night! This place is so cool!" - Natsu

"For once I actually agree with flame brain."- Grey

I just chuckled and walked inside the school. Well you got to see my eyes Bakugo, get ready for my quirks.

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