Jake and Kameron

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today was great so far. i greeted my friends in the hall and successfully got my things out of my locker before he arrived.

out of all the people in the school, he had a special hatred for me. was it because i'm gay? or is it because i like to express how i feel unlike his other victims? probably both. i guess i should probably get my head out of the clouds before i pass my classroom door like last time, except last time i was ever so slightly drunk.

my homeroom was a boring subject that i mostly knew everything about. everything dragged on, the clock faintly ticking behind the teachers lecture on good student behavior. this happened a lot. kids wouldn't listen and the teacher would stop half way through his lesson to give a meaningful but annoying speech on good behavior. don't get me wrong, i like the teacher as a person, but i don't like how he lets what kids say get to him. the halfway bell rang finally. about forty five minutes left of torture.

homeroom is the only class that bores me. second period was math. i don't like math, but i'm fairly good at it.

then next two classes after math were extra curricular classes. you can get college credits for them.

lunch came after that. we had about an hour lunch. my friends are always crackheads. my boyfriend and i sadly don't have the same lunch time, plus i go off campus for lunch. the perks of having a car and license.

last period is my favorite. history. history is great. i don't want to have a career with history but i like learning about it. my teacher always teaches us important things our books don't tell. did you know hitler had a fear of cats? so did mussolini. anywa- ding ding ding

the class is over already?

no no no no

i don't want to go out in the hallway.

i didn't even have time to get my things in my bag as the teacher basically pushed me out the door. i tried to make it to my locker without getting his attention. too late.

i could hear his insults from across the hallway. of course he waited until the hallways were clear. his two friends held my wrists against the lockers. everything went in slow motion from there. every kick, punch and slap. the pain seemed to be heightened. this went on for a few minutes until they ran away when they heard the janitor nearing. i fumbled as i got up and made my way out of the building. i didn't even bother going home, my mom worries to much. it stresses her out even more. she's the only one in the house that makes decent money, i don't want her to feel worse because of me. i know it's hard to take care of six kids. even though not all of them live with us.

i walked in the direction of my house but when i got to it i kept going. there was a large forest near the edge of town. my friends and i made a hide out there. it took a few minutes but i soon came to the beginning of our muddy trail. we don't get much rain here, but when it does it rains a lot for a long time. so our trail was extremely muddy today. it wasn't exactly easy to walk but i made it. my friends had situated themselves in or on the old rusted truck. i looked to my usual spot and saw my boyfriend, kameron, sitting there looking as cute as always. he looked zoned out, staring at a mossy, vine covered tree.

i limped to him and sat on the hood next to him. once he noticed me he brought his hands to my face and wiped the blood from a cut near my mouth.

"how do you always manage to to get yourself hurt?"

right. i forgot he didn't know. and i want it to stay that way. i don't want anyone to worry about me. i'll deal with it myself, he's a grade below me and i don't want him getting hurt. i plan on fighting back soon. i don't want to live like this.

word count≈721


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