Better Watch That Pretty Face

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I watched from afar as he read the note. I smirked as I watched him crumble to the ground. He deserves it, he was the reason I almost killed my self. Almost. It was extremely unlikely for him to fail, but here we are. He was dared to befriend me and use me for my money. I know cliche. See you in four years. It was fun watching your whole life crumble. His friends left him. He cheated on me with a sweet girl that didn't know he was in a relationship. We are friends now and she helped me. Hell she's going to America with me. We met up at my car and drove to the airport. We are going back to visit South Carolina, where all of my old friends and parents are. After that we will go to New York.

I breathed in the amazing air of South Korea. Me and Flower entered the small coffee shop I owned and ordered our special drinks. Yes I own a coffee shop, along with multiple huge companies. Again I know cliche but whatever. We were waiting for Felix and Chan to come so we could walk around. But of course like always they wait until exactly when they need to be here to get here. Finally it reached 7:30 and they arrived. We are going to my old school because somebody thought it would be a good idea to bring out senior year class back together. Which meant Jungkook would be there. I heard that he had a mediocre job and made ok money. But I mean my sources could be wrong, which never really happens. I might be slightly illegal but so what. Although slightly is putting it very lightly. We walked to the venue and were greeted by some old acquaintances. Chan and Felix kept me as close to them as much as they could while Flower was sitting front of us. I looked around the room and we all noticed him. Of course he was talking to the old popular kids, who had made good and nice lives of themselves. I guess he was still expecting them to be douchey but looked a little surprised when they kept a proper conversation. Some people grow and some don't. He scanned the room looking for anyone he could relate with but failed. He locked eyes with mine and look to my sides to see both my boyfriends talking to some random people. I could see the fire and jealousy in his eyes which was hilarious. Soon he walked up to me and pulled me away. Chan and Felix knew this would happen and that I could definitely defend myself so they let go of my waist and carried on with their conversation. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" He asked with a low growl. "I was sitting with my friend and boyfriends until I was dragged away." I answered innocent. "You left and became successful. You left me alone." "No I left because you were a cheating little bastard. A little birdie told me that you haven't been doing so well though." I giggled, he was visibly pissed. I knew by now Chan and Felix has jacked the cameras and were watching. "You know after what you did I watched your life crumble and I might say, it was quite satisfying. Call me what you want but it was pretty fucking funny." I smile maniacally and watched his eyes drop. "Found your weak spot," I aimed a gun to his head, " I would watch your back, wouldn't want anything to happen to that pretty little face of yours." I dropped my arm and put my gun back into my pant waist. I walked away satisfied with the damage I made. When I got back in Flower was looking at Chan's phone but he put it away. I sat back down in my spot. I laughed, what can I say I'm dangerous.
I worked hard to make this story exactly 666 words so you better appreciate me. I don't own the picture or video. My friend asked for this so I tried. Good or whatever Peeps.

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