Finally Ended

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She died. The one person that everybody believed was my rock. I'm supposed to be sad aren't I? Everyone blames me because I didn't cry. I think I ran out of that one emotion that helps produce tears. No matter how much I try finding it I just can't. Like I said, everyone thought she was my one reason to stay, I almost left. No not in a death way, although it would have been nice at that time, I was going to move and leave this horrible city I call home. By now it what was home, I just couldn't stay. Everywhere I went people gave that look. You know when like you did something wrong but they figure out you didn't do it. When they're trying to apologize. They think I actually feel. I carried on my life. I didn't blame myself like everyone thought I should have.  Even if I did blame myself I wouldn't cry or become depressed, why? I cried so much when that happened that I just ran out of those emotions that make you sad or anything like that. You might be wondering what that something is and that I probably wouldn't tell you but I will. I'm expected to be insecure and mushy about it but I'm not. I will just be straight forward, I was raped. My family didn't believe me and told me I was crazy. After that I just stopped feeling sadness, empathy, or sympathy. Most of the time I try helping but I don't dig deep enough to get emotional. But she helped with that. I was happy and felt during that time, but like everything else she had to go.

I look back on that time now. I'm not that different, I carried on with (career of choice) and became pretty successful. Me and my friend went to visit her grace the other day and gave he some of her favorite flowers.
*sigh*. I will always love you Rosé.
As I finished writing the last chapter for my book I went through to the biggest parts of the story. Where the main characters met, first date, proposal, wedding, then finally her death. Throughout the book series I wrote I never used her name, I kept the readers just waiting for her name. They knew it was someone famous that I knew, just not my wife. She read over my shoulder sometimes when I wrote and loved the story line. In fact she just watched me finish it off, of course she was crying. "There. Finally done and ready to be published." I said sighing.
Here is the actual ending. I need friends, like seriously I'm lonely as hell. I don't own the photo or video. Other than that I have nothing to put here, Bye Peeps 🌈🏳️‍🌈!

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