V-live Q&A

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Sigh, I'm not even sure why I'm continuing this but I just had an idea and my best friend gave me some courage and told me to try to do this. (Still not sure if anybody will see this though.)
King/Karma's POV
Today I decided to stop procrastinating (me honestly) and do what I had promised to my fans about a week ago... answer their question. After debating with myself if I should actually do this i finally turned on the V-live and lots of questions and comments started flooding in.

King: Ok so after a lot of procrastination and debating with myself whether I should actually do this, I will be answering your questions.

King: Lets just get in this.

Question: Why don't you dye your hair as much as the others?

Answer: Easy, I don't want to absolutely ruin my hair before I get older.

Question: What is your top two favorite colors?

Answer: Black and Red

Question: Favorite songs?

1. Any MCR song
2. Any Set It Off song
3. Any Palaye Royale song
4. Scene 5- With Ears to See and Eyes to Hear by Sleeping With Sirens
5. Kick me by Sleeping With Sirens
6. Filthy Pride by Social Repose

Question: Two bands that feel underrated to you?

Answer: Pentagon (If you don't know who Pentagon are you should check them out.) and Palaye Royale.

Question: Since you wear hoodie a lot what would you say is your favorite one?

Answer: This one most definitely.

Question: Cats or dogs?

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Question: Cats or dogs?

Answer: I'm to indecisive so probably both.

Question: Do you think you would be a demon or angel? And why?

Answer: Actually I think I would be a fallen I have had my fair share of problems that have corrupted me but not enough for me to be a demon.

Question: To you, what would be the scariest sound to wake up to?

Answer: Car tire screeching.

Question: If you weren't a dancer and singer what would you be doing now?

Answer: Cosmetology or fashion.

Question: What childish thing do you still enjoy?

Answer: Definitely watching SpongBob.

Question: What movie could you watch over and over again and not get tired of it?

Answer: Safe Haven. (Me too. It's my favorite movie.)

Question: What movie do you wish life was more like?

Answer: I honestly don't know.

Question: What did you like as a child but think is silly now?

Answer: Wearing REALLY baggy jeans.

Question: How many phones have you broken or lost?

Answer: I have never broken or actually lost a phone.

Question: What are you tired of hearing?

Answer: Despacito.

Question: What is something people always get wrong about you?

Answer: Mostly my age.

Question: What do you think people will look back on and be embarrassed/disappointed or laugh at in ten years?

Answer: Despacito.

Question: What is the worst saesang experience ever?(Sorry If I spelled it wrong.)

Answer: One tried to jump on stage, lick, and kiss me.

Question: If you died today what would be your biggest achievement?

Answer: Becoming famous.

Question: What did you think was silly/weird before you tried it?

Answer: Skinny jeans or makeup.

Question: Favorite author?

Answer: Steven King or JK Rowling.

Question: What signs make you think someone will go on to be successful?

Answer: Determination and/or leadership.

Question: Do you like any sports other than dance?

Answer: Yes I love volleyball.

Question: What's your favorite thing to do?

Answer: Listen to music and draw.

Question: What was the biggest lie you ever told and did you get caught?

Answer: That I just like girls. And yes I thinks it very obvious I got caught.

Question: What motivates you?

Answer: Music and drawing.

Question: What makes you uncomfortable?

Answer: Either you're an idiot or you don't know I have agoraphobia or claustrophobia.

Question: Have you ever been cheated on?

Answer: Yes.

Question: If you were a dog what kind of dog would you be?

Answer: Simple, I wouldn't be a dog I would probably be a cat.

Question: Do you take showers in the mornings or at night?

Answer: both.

Question: What kind of animal would you be?

Answer: Snow leopard.

Question: What was the last show you binge watched?

Answer: Black Butler.

Question: If you could only listen to one song for the rest of your life what would it be?

Answer: The End. by My Chemical Romance.

King: Ok, I think that's enough for now! I hope you guys are happy with that and have a great day or whatever time it is where you are! Bye!
If you are reading then, Hi! Hope this was good!(probably not.) this is longer than normal but anyway, have a good night/morning/afternoon or whatever.

Also, I was going to make this chapter about him coming out with a new album but I couldn't think of anything so I just went with this. This chapter has just been sitting in my draft for awhile so here you go.

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