Last Performance

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Wow this tour went by way faster than I thought. It was finally the last performance of the Wings tour. We were about to finish 2!3!. We had just finished the song and most of us were crying tears of joy. We were all shocked when we looked up to the crowd to see the Army bombs had lit up to spell Wings with a heart on the end. The fans were silent which was odd, but as soon as they were quiet the music to No More Dreams started playing and every fan was singing. After a long part of the song played it would fade into yet another song of ours. Once it had ended they had sang a lot of songs that had a landmark in time. All of the members, including me, were silent as tears of happiness streamed down our faces. After awhile I finally spoke up, "Th-that was the the best thing I have ever heard. Wow ok. I am so thankful for you guys. I wasn't expecting that I do t think anybody was but it was cool and I loved it. Remember this, although the tour is over doesn't mean we are. So if you ever feel that we are gone just remember we will always be there. This tour has so many memories that I don't think we will ever forget and I don't want you guys to either. But our next tour I hope to make more memories with you guys. So don't be sad and love yourselves!" I said. All of the members and fans agreed. Soon the bright lights flashed and each member disappeared. Last was me. I gave a small smile before I disappeared. I hope our next tour is amazing.
There you go. That's all that is coming out tonight (I think) where I am it is 11:20 at night so I'm tired and probably going to try to sleep so good night Peeps!

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