Stay In Day

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Finally we got a few days off. God knows we deserve it. This week has been sooo tiring. The new album, Map of the Soul: Persona, came out and all week we have been rushing and nonstop performing. So since we got the day of we decided to have a cuddle day! All we are going to do is watch movies, sleep, and cuddle on the couch. After a lot of arguing we all figured we should watch all of the Avengers movies again. While Jin set up the movie the rest of us crammed on the couch in ways that don't look comfortable but actually are.(I do this all the time. My family thinks I'm weird.)
Time Skip to about five movies
Well we didn't think this through. Turns out we started waaayy to late and it is now ten at night and we Are only about five movies in. "Next time we do this let try to plan a little better." I said. "Yea probably." Namjoon said. "Anyways it's late we should go to bed." Jin said. All of us nodded and headed up to bed.
I have no ideas that don't involve sadness or angst right now so I went with the easiest happy thing I could. Also I was going through the comments on a live performance of Save Me and I found that comment and loved it. Anyway, Bye Peeps!

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