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after what felt like years of riding in the cramped car, they had finally made it.

they pulled to a stop somewhere near the edge where guardrails sat. out of the car hopped two teenage boys, the driver was short with black hair, swinging keys on a lanyard around his fingers.

it was night, on a nearly abandoned road. between it being half passed midnight and the fact that this road was probably older than you grandma, it was rarely traveled. the two had stopped right at a curve so you couldn't see much farther up the road, but that was okay.

the bleach blonde popped the trunk and grabbed a huge blanket. he went back to the trunk several times to get all the pillows and stuffed animals out. the couple stretched out the blanket in the middle of the road and dumped all of the plushies and giant stuffies on the blanket. with nothing left to set out, the two sprawled our in the pile of pillows and stuffed animals. neither planned on sleeping so the shorter male grabbed the laptop he had brought with them.

with the little light they had he struggled to pull up the show the two had been watching. it was a crime show called ncis. they were on season five.

although most would have found watching a show about murderers eerie at this time of night, both enjoyed it actually.


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