Coming Out

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"I know after this you will probably hate me. I couldn't do this in person so I thought writing would be the best option. Here goes nothing, I'm Pansexual. You might be wondering why you would hate me Well............I like you. I'm sorry. I was always scared to tell people because they would: Not know what it means, make fun of me, tell me that being Pansexual isn't a thing and just a cry for attention, hate me, and more horrible things. Hint why just couldn't say this to your face. My parents hate me for gods sake! It's not like I can choose my sexuality but people blame me for things I have never done! It's fucking old. Hehe it's funny the more I write the more I realize people are just pieces of shit. I fell in love with the person that hates me with a burning passion. But whatever, if anybody is looking for me they are too late. I left. I will be back next school year. If you see me I probably won't be the same. Bye bye bitch." As I finished reading the letter the others reading it over my shoulder finished too. "Do-do you think he will really different when he comes back?" Jimin asked me. "I'm not sure let's hope not." I told him. The others gave a sad look to each other.

It's time for school to start again, it's also time him to come back. Almost everyone in our school was waiting outside for him to come. Before he left he was the sunshine of the school and kept everybody happy even if they didn't want him there. I was knocked out of my thoughts when multiple expensive cars pulled in. The first one to get out was a tall boy with white hair, as soon as they were all out I immediately recognized them. They were one of the Biggest gangs ever. I looked away from them once another expensive car pulled up and got out was Moon? He looked different. His hair was black and faded into a dark red and he was wearing a dark red skirt, a tucked in black short sleeve, fishnets, and a smallish black silk choker. He rushed up to the mafia leaders and gave them all a kiss on the cheek. "Did he just......?" Hoseok asked. I didn't answer and just walked up to him and have him a hug. One of them grabbed his hand and tried pulling him away but I gripped him tighter. "Could you let go?" Moon asked but it was muffled slightly due to his head pushed against my chest. "You heard hime, let go." I said trying to take the others hand off. " I was talking to you, you moron." He said coldly and wiggling out of my arms. "Wh-What do you mean?" I asked confused and kind of sad. "Did you think he would want to talk to you or your friends, Jungkook?" one asked with a small smirk. "Jb is right, I don't want to talk to you again. I came here to see my friends not you all." Moon said as the one I recognized, Bambam, back hugged him. They all started to walk in but suddenly the "bad girls" of the school ran up to them. "Hi you guys!" Moon exclaimed enthusiastically. "Hi!" Rosè and Lisa said rather excited.

He meant it he didn't want to see us again. I learned that he was taken in by a small but decent sized gang that helped him. Hence why he met Got7. He was still nice but mostly cold and sarcastic to people. We deserved it though, we bullied him and beat him to the point he almost committed suicide. Suga bet all of us thought that if we could convince him to become his friend he would give us a lot of money. But he found out it was a dare and broke down. He didn't come to school, after a few days I got a letter from the principal. He told me it was from Moon. He came out and told us he was leaving. We did expect him to come back changed slightly but not a complete attitude change.

There are two new girls today. But they made a horrible mistake. They made the horrible decision to think the school was immediately theirs. Oh ho ho that didn't go over well. Doing that is basically challenging Mo-I mean Karma to his title. We'll just say she was put in her place.
There finished. I think this is the longest thing I have written yet. I already had an idea and built off of it. Also I didn't realize the first time I heard You Need to Calm Down it was about pride. But it kind of fit this. I don't own the picture or video. Bye Peeps!

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