I'm a Little ODD

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I was always told not to listen to other people's opinions. So what if I'm odd I might be quiet and have brightly colored hair but what difference does it make. Being odd doesn't make me disgusting. I'm bullied, but my sister bless her heart she always has my back, no matter what. But maybe being myself isn't right, maybe I should do what they say and become a pretty pink princess. I might not like it, but maybe it's for the best. Whatever today I think I'll stay in and hide from the world. No matter what I will never be like the others. I might be a little odd, most people really don't get my way of thinking, always sitting in He back of class with a blank stare. I see the weird looks, they say any minute I'll crack. Hehe maybe they're right, I'm odd but not a disappointment to society like them. Fuck those bitches I'm going to get famous and blow money in their faces.
I don't own the photo or video. Bye Peeps

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