I Knew It Was Coming

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Do you know that one feeling when you just know something won't work but try it anyway? That describes half of the decisions I make. I really thought it would be a good idea to try and date Kim Namjoon. He was sweet at first but I just knew something was going to go wrong. I called it, me and Namjoon had been dating for a year but his friends told me he was cheating...on our anniversary. His friends are nice and amazing people so I believed them, and of course lo and behold as we walked into the bar he was sitting with a slut on his lap (I actually hate using that word but I needed a straight up term). I didn't even walk up to him, we just walked out and went back to our house. His friends helped me pack my stuff and move my stuff to my friends huge apartment. I was already prepared for this, I had made arrangements to move in with my friends, Seventeen. They are famous and rich but I still agreed to help out with money. Namjoon's friends left and Seventeen walked up to me and gave me a hug already knowing what happened. "Are you ok?" Jeonghan asked. "I knew it was coming. I didn't really get too attached anyway." I answered.

Time Skip a few months
Namjoon never found me. He never really put any effort in trying to make interest with meeting my friends so he had no idea where I was. His friends refused to tell him where I was also. It didn't last too long though sadly, I moved on quite quick though. I'm in a poly relationship with Jeonghan, S.Coups, Jun, and Vernon. It was pretty hard to keep from the fans and they ended up finding out. Some of them found it slightly weird but accepted it anyway so we rarely ever get hate. I'm just glad I don't have to deal with Namjoon anymore.
I know this is a Bts book but I had zero ideas and just wanted to get a chapter out. I don't own the picture or the video. Bye Peeps.

P.s, go check out my other story Kings of the Circus. (Don't do that, it's been put into draft and will be replaced soon.)

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