Side Story 3.1 - Blanc - Caged

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I couldn't tell what the hell was going on. I was blindfolded. Tied and even my mouth was covered up. All I know was that I was riding some sort of transportation. This all happened right after I was done with the test.

Of course, I'm still able to recall it. Like I said, right after the assessment test. I got out of the testing hall and came across White who was probably already done with his test as well. I went talked to him for a bit. Although, he seems a bit busy.

"Hey, White. So how's the test?"

White noticed me and replied, "Blanc...Well, I think I did well." White seems to be looking for something.

"Is something wrong, White?" I said so.

He then told me, "Have you seen, Yumiko? I made a promise to go out with her today."

"Go out?" I raised one of my eyebrows and started my investigation, "I didn't know you two were dating."

"No we're not." flustered White. "You do know I'm not into her, right?"

Then I simply answered, "Oh, of course not. You're into Zenith, am I right?"

White's face flushed down as he said, "Can't you keep it down, Blanc? Everyone could hear us for goodness sake."

"It's alright, White." I placed my arm on his shoulder and said, "I'll keep it a secret."

White then whispered to himself, "I don't think this a secret anymore..."

I laughed for a while until I was satisfied and said to him, "Alright, I think I'm done harassing you. You seem busy, so I'll be off of your mind for today. See ya, White."

I bid my farewell as I made my way down the stairs and headed towards the cafeteria to get some lunch. It wasn't much, I only ate 5 hamburgers on that lunch. What? Too much? Well, for comparison sake, my usual intake would be around a dozen of hamburgers. That's what my supposedly 'step dad' told me at least. But I don't know, it feels like I need more than that.

But in any case, after I was done with lunch. I only took a moment to relax myself until all of a sudden, I was blindfolded and captured. I tried my hardest to escape from their grasp but it was futile. From what I could guess according to their voices and their strength, it was probably some men. But it wasn't any shady person or anything. I could feel their outfit. They were wearing a uniform. So my best guess was that I was took in by some sort of official group or something. That was what I expected but what I got was something that I least expect.

Once the ride was finally over, I was pushed out of the transportation as I was immediately forced to walk into god knows what kind of corridor I was heading into. I stopped as I noticed that the guys weren't pushing me further. As soon as I realized that, I heard the sound of a gate being shut near me. It was then I realized that I was locked inside of something.

"Get near the cage, miss." I stern voice ordered me.

I heeded whatever he said as I noticed that my hands were no longer tied up. With the free hand I have, I got rid of the blindfold and I finally get to see wherever the hell am I. A quick glance and I noticed that I was in some sort of jail. It was probably a decently enough large prison room. Could fit about three to four people. But I was the only one there. I looked back and saw the guy that released my shackle just a few moments ago.

I don't know who he was. He looked very stern and discipline. His uniform shows him to be not just any other ordinary foot soldier. He's probably someone important in this establishment. I saw a logo at the side of his shoulder. It looked like a golden gilded emblem. I couldn't tell what it was but I can definitely tell that it was an animal of some sorts.

The guy then said to me, "Typhon Blanc! Professor Typhon have agreed to our terms that you will be immediately transferred here."

Professor Typhon. That's my 'step dad'. What's going on exactly.

The guy continued, "From now on, you are contractually obliged to be a part of this establishment."

I replied, "What are you talking about? I thought I was suppose to study."

"Study time is over! Now is the time to muster up your innate ability and help us progress our research."

"Research? You mean about me?" I wondered.

The guy nodded and said, "Exactly. Your time as a student will be halted momentarily until further notice."

"Okay...if my dad says so then I guess I have to..." I unwillingly said that. Then I asked the guy, "Where am I exactly and what the hell am I suppose to do over here?"

The guy then suddenly made a salute as someone approaches the cell. To my surprise it was someone I know from the academy.

"This fine establishment that you are on is a large mobile establishment. You are on a moving building. We call this place, The White Lily and you are now under the west branch of Loki. Loki is a monster extermination organization and you are a part of it."

The person that talked to me just now was non other than Zero Yohna of The Magic Advancement class. Somehow, he was also involved in this.

"So I have to hunt down monsters now?"

Zero then said, "Correct and your hunt begins tomorrow."

"Wait what?" It definitely took me by surprise.

This was definitely something that I have not hoped to happen on such a day such as this. But here I am. Now I have to hunt down some monsters until further notice. I can't shake the feeling that this isn't just going to be something temporary. I'm already starting to miss my friends back at Infinity Academy. But I shouldn't be sad as I'm still hopeful that whatever their experimenting on me for, it will eventually lead to my freedom once again...


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