Side Story 3.2 - Blanc - Imprisoned

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The appearance of Zero Yohna really caught me by surprise. Long story short, Zero was also brought in to this facility to help on the experimentation on me. I'm not sure how can he be involved in this mess when I'm the only human-monster hybrid around here. And since he's also brought in to help me out, he'll be my partner on my expeditions in the wild. But there was one problem...

"Why is Zero not in his own cell?!" I shouted to the guard of my cell.

"You are dangerous. You have to be kept inside the cell."

"But that's not fair." I whimpered.

"Hmm, that's enough. Here, eat your dinner." The guard brought in a tray of foods to my cell.

It definitely not exactly what my tummy wants but that was to be expected considering the way they have been treating me for the past few hours. It's enough for me but its the only thing I got. Without thinking much, I munched away until Zero Yohna appeared once again.

I greeted him, "What's up, Zero?"

"I hope they've treated you well..."

"What do you think?" I questioned him as I continued to eat my meal.

"I think you are like a fucking caged animal instead of a normal human being. What a fucking mess, ain't it?"

I noticed that Zero swears freely and said, "You really like to swear do you?"

"I don't fucking swear that often, alright. It's just bullshit." He said that while still having that foul mouth.

I shrugged it off and asked him something else, "Well anyway, what do you want with me?"

He then told me, "I have some unfortunate news, Blanc. We're not going to have an expedition tomorrow."

"We're not? That's great!"

Zero shakes his head and said, "Instead, we're having one later tonight."

"Oh, are you fucking kidding me?!" Even I started to swear thanks to him.

"Better get yourself ready. Don't wanna be too late for the party, Blanc." Zero then left me to my own accord as I continued to finish my meal.

I still don't know what was the relation between Zero and my experimentation. So far, the only information I got was that my step father which was the scientist that procured me when I was younger, have allowed these people to use me for monster hunting. If I have to guess, they might want to know just how strong I have become over the course of my young adult life. I mean, I'm supposedly a monster known as The World Eater. The scientist in this facility would definitely tremble in fear whenever they saw me or something.

That would be the usual case even back at my original home facility. Everyone was afraid of me even though everything that was about The World Eater has been shut tight deep inside of a vessel known as Blanc. The only person who wasn't afraid of me was my step father. He's the only one who viewed me as any other child supposed to be treated. He was the person to allow me to go to school and enjoy life. He was the one who handled the paperwork for my entry in The Infinity Academy. And apparently now, he was also the one who put me in this cell.

In any case, I brushed off my problems and get myself ready for the expedition later tonight. A few hours have passed since and a guard had arrived to meet me. For the first time since earlier today, the cell door was finally opened for me. However, freedom was not an option for me yet as I was immediately forced to follow the guards to wherever he was tasked to. I saw Zero and a few other people waiting for my arrival.

"What took you so long?" Zero asked.

"It's not my fault I'm late." I told him back.

Zero shrugged it off and said, "Whatever. Come, let's get going already."

"Where are we heading to?" I asked.

My question was then answered by an officer that was with us.

"There has been report of a terrifyingly large monster roaming around the west side of the Dragonstal's only forest, Fairy Forest. That forest, as we know is inhabited by the fairies but it seems that for the past few months, monsters have come in and out of the forest. Its endangering both the lives of the fairies as well as the humans that lives outside of the forest. The most important part is, there is a school nearby. A high school to be precise. It is up to you two to track this monster and eliminate them before anything bad happens."

"Anything bad?" I wondered.

The officer then told me, "Precisely. You don't want those children to be eaten up from the likes of your species."

He tried to intimidate me by mocking my origins. I know I'm a monster myself but I'm definitely not the same as those rampaging monsters. I'm 100% look like a human. The only monster part that I have was probably my brain and even that was suppressed thanks to my step father experimentation. If it wasn't for the suppression, I would be only having the minds of a monster. I would be only thinking of eating. But then again, I think that's the only part where my step father couldn't suppress.

"Take up your arms and get ready for the expedition." said the Officer.

I grabbed my trusty monstrous blade and got on to a chopper that they have prepared for us. Once we have reached our destination, we were expected to jump off the chopper and land safely deep into the woods of the fairies. I'm finally cleared to do anything once my foot had reached the ground. All I needed to do now was to track this large monster that has been roaming about. Zero Yohna will be accompanying me as well. Let's hope our partnership will be a beneficial one despite our previous interaction...


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