Chapter 4.35 - White - Through The Fire And Flames

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I had to distract Crescendo while Lala and Zenith makes their call. I've been wondering something and so I asked directly to the owner himself whether he would provide me with an answer or not.

"Hey, Crescendo..."

He corrected himself, "That's Lord Crescendo, Cyclone White."

"Yeah whatever. What is your ability anyway? Is it just levitation magic?"

He laughed and explain, "You are right but wrong at the same time. It is not simply just 'levitation'. Do you know about...destiny, White?"

"I guess I know a thing or two about it."

He continued, "Have you noticed how all of the ten of you were separated in such an interesting way? With how certain things happen, you guys had to split up. That was all because of fate and destiny."

"What? I don't get it." I was confused.

"All of you were fated to encounter with something. I'm sure you've come to realize one of those fate is not just a mere coincidence."

Lala then steps in, "So you were the one who called in all of the Lost Souls here?"

"It was the Lost Souls, huh? I honestly don't know what I might end up sending to the campus given how fate could work. I was not directly involved with whatever incident you were in that separates you but, I was indeed involved in the mechanics of how destiny and fate work. You all were fated to encounter whatever you came across a few hours ago, not me. But now, we are fated to cross against each other. It's like gravity you see. If you believe in gravity, you too believe in fate and destiny." Lord Crescendo was speaking in cryptic words.

Zenith then quietly whispered to us, "Their securing the parameters, guys. We're good to go."

"Good." said Lala as she then looks at me and reminded me, "Maybe we should start remembering one of our lessons in class, White."

Yeah, Lala did told me a few moments ago about fighting without really fighting. I tried remembering back what she could mean it could only be one thing. Fusion Reaction. A Fusion Reaction is when you combine your magic with another magic from your ally. But its not simply combining just like that, both party needs to be in complete unison and in full chemistry. They have to know each other from the ins and outs.

"A Fusion Reaction, huh...Alright then, Lala. Let's do this." I told her so.

"What are you talking about. I'm not that close with you yet. I'm not talking about doing the fusion with me."

"What is going on...?" Lord Crescendo was observing.

Lala then chuckled, "If you two are really going to do this. I'll give you some privacy, Zenith, White." Lala then suddenly used her Grand Gaea ability to terraform the ground beneath Lord Crescendo.

Lord Crescendo was slowly buried by the trees that followed from the terraform Lala made.

He screams, "Impossible! How can this be? No one can touch me!"

Even Lala was surprised, "Huh, I guess some of Aker's borrowed power was still left in for me, I guess."

Lord Crescendo emerges from the ground, "No! This cannot be! I am untouchable!'s all supposed to be mine! These are not yours, Cyclone White!"

Then suddenly I talked to Zenith, "Hey Zenith..."

"...yes, White?"

"There's something I should have tell you when you forgotten everything..." I extended my left hand to her.

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