Side Story 3.4 - Blanc - Outnumbered

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Without wasting any time, Zero immediately made his way to where the monster was sleeping. Zero made sure to tread carefully by avoiding any sorts of small branches and dead leaves that he might step on. Considering that he didn't waste any time and effort by planning out beforehand, I was a bit afraid that things might not end up perfectly for us.

"Are you sure a plan isn't needed for this thing?" I asked him.

Zero then whispered to me, "It's only one. It ain't going to be a problem."

Zero simply ignored my concerns and just in a matter of moments, my instincts were right.

Suddenly I stopped and said, "Hold it, Zero."


"I'm detecting a large movement. And it's not the one in front of us."

"What are you talking about, Blanc? The only thing my spell detect was that one..." His stopped talking once he realized the situation.

From the looks of it, Zero barely checks the sword that he imbued with a detection magic on it. But once he took a look at it, he realizes that the monster in front of us aren't the only threat that we're about to face.

"We're surrounded..." I said so as I try to assess the situation.

"Stay calm and ready your weapon."

Not only that there was only one sleeping monsters, but there was apparently a whole pack of sleeping monsters. They all looked the same. These unidentified dinosaur looking monster seemed to be resting. One small mistake and the whole family will wake up. And that's exactly what happened as I accidentally stepped on a small pile of dead leaves. The monsters was awaken by the sound of the dead leaves being step on.

"Good job, Blanc." Zero sarcastically said that.

"Oh shut up. You should have listened to me earlier."

Zero then snapped and said, "Well, excuse me, princess. You should have told me before I went in."

"I tried but you're the one who didn't listen."

"Really? Well that's because you didn't try hard enough then." He tried to put the blame on me for some reason.

"Are you seriously serious, Zero? You know that this isn't the right time to be fighting."

As we continued to bicker around with each other, the dinosaur looking monster began to surround us. They were pretty big as far as I could remember. I think the smallest one was at least as tall as a sliding door. So it's relatively big. One of them tried to maw Zero as we continued to argue.

Zero however was able to step away from the maw attack and countered with a stab to the eye of the monster with his blade. He then spoke another line of magical incantation and made another symbol engraved to his weapon. His body then began to exudes a fierce red aura all over him as he continued to press deeper into the monster's eye. He then pulled it out as the monster ran away and accidentally hit a tree and was immediately downed in the process.

Without wasting any time, I pulled a trigger on my mechanical blade and turned it into chainsaw mode. I jumped and stabbed the downed monster and made sure that the monster would no longer move at all. The blood of the monster splattered all over my face and clothing as I continued to hear the sound of metal grinding through the meat of a helpless monster. We've eliminated one while the other monsters remains to be standing still.

"What the hell was that aura for, Zero?"

"It gives me more courage." He then showed me his sword, "As you can see, this is a symbol of an Edelweiss."

"I don't really speak flower, Zero." I told him so.

To which he replied, "It basically means courage or devotion. In other words, it increases my battle strengths. That's why the monster was left staggering after I let go of it."

We could continue talking about the language of flower but monsters was still surrounding all over us. We were completely surrounded.

"We better split up. That makes it quicker."

I nodded as I distracted a number of monsters towards me by using one of my innate monster ability. I could attract other monsters to chase after me by increasing my own smell. As I've been told by my step dad, I'm no run of the mill monster. I'm probably the king...or queen of monster based on what he had told me. But I don't really care about the specifics really, all I know I could devour other monster and steal their ability. And through that, I now have this ability to attract other monsters. I wonder what did I ate back when I use to not look like a normal human.

I really wish I could tell more on how I exactly look but I don't know a lot about it besides the things that I have been told. But in any case, almost a third half of the monsters followed me while Zero handles the other one half. It looked unfair in someway but that's what I get for attracting a bunch of monsters. The only upside to it was that non of the stronger looking ones was attracted to me. While Zero faces the leaders of the monsters, I end up handling the numerous amount of weaklings. I guess that's fair enough.


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