Side Story 3.5 - Blanc - Overloaded

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As I continued to distance myself away from Zero and his battle against the ring leader of these monster, the small ones have already surrounded me. But I'm not really in big trouble. They were the ones who were in big trouble considering that my innate ability to devour them all using my carnivorous blade.

"Look what we have here...a bunch of weird looking dinosaurs trying to gobble me up. How cute." I was quite entertained.

One of them decided to initiate their attack by heading straight toward me, alone. That was a huge mistake for that monster as I quickly jumped above the monster and climbed on top of it. With the huge mechanical blade at my hands, I stabbed the monster deep into its flesh. After that, I pulled the chainsaw rope as the blade begins to whirs up with its noise. As I was still attempting to activate the chainsaw blade, the monster was already dying from the slight slices that were done to its flesh. Blood were already splattering all over the blade as well as my outfit. Once I finally activated the chainsaw blade, more blood erupts out of the flesh of the monster. Some of them even splattered at my face.

"It's going to be a long bath..." I sighed.

There was no time to rest as the other monsters were still surrounding me. I honestly haven't been training with my blade for quite a while. Well...judging from the grade I got after that assessment test the other day, I think I did rather well. I mean I didn't drop a rank but I also didn't go up. If I have to be positive about it, I guess I'm able to maintain myself at the moment. Despite that however, I still feel like I wanted to be better. Just like how White and his Cardinal did in their assessment test.

But enough of that. As I was slashing and defending myself against these unidentifiable creature, I couldn't help but realize that Zero's presence has been long gone ever since I started whirring up my chain-blade. Did he actually just left me or has he actually been swallowed by the leader of these creatures? There's no way he would let himself be swallowed just like that would he? I've known him for quite a while. As a matter of fact, I've known him ever since I turned into a human. Yeah, ever since he was a baby. We were at the same age if we were to count by my human age and I am probably sure that I am the only one who was his childhood friend. Plus, I bet he hasn't really made any friends ever since. I doubt he still considers me as his friend even though we were.

I still remember the time when I was first allowed to enter the playground. Five years of being confined inside a test chamber for whatever the heck I was being experimented for and then I finally get to see a smidgen of the real world. Before that I was left on my own inside that hollow chamber. I was given food everyday and sometimes they would give me toys to play with. Toys that I would eventually break it, of course. I was still angry but after being confined for five years my anger of being captured by these people has diminished as my human mind started to take over my monster instinct. I was allowed to enter the playground once they figured that I was stable enough. Of course, it wasn't until 6 months after I was inside the playground was when I finally get to meet the first children ever.

The boy was very curious about me. He was the one who approached me first as I was first and foremost a coward. Honestly, I would have never known that I would be saying that I'm a coward. But I was. I was afraid of a five years old boy who just wanted to be my friend. But I guess stranger things do happen and this was just one of them.

With that been said, I simply hasten myself to clear off the creatures that were surrounding me. In a nick of time, I've painted a small part of the green forest with bloods and livers. Once that has been dealt with, I immediately felt a strong lightning flowing all over me. It forced me to bend down on my knee as I tried to suppress the pain. However, the stinging current was able to overwhelm me to my breaking point. I could not do anything to save myself.

Despite that however, I knew very well what the heck just happened. It wasn't a simple ambush made by the creatures that we were hunting. It was just the device that I wore on my neck. A pacifier for a being like me. This happens almost too often actually. Every time I get kidnapped, it's always another mission to clear out something that could be my own kin. Once they were done taking the samples off of these targets, they would inject it into me and see if there's any development. If all goes well, I would be released and I'll be able to continue my human life as usual but if there was an anomaly I would be staying longer. But thankfully it was not this time.

But still, I hated it. Despite being a beast known as The Eater of World, I don't feel like I want to eat everything. I just want to eat the things I wanted to. Not something that I'm not supposed to. I don't like being forced to eat a flesh of my own kin. I never asked to be something like this. I said that but still...I am no human and whatever I said just now was not who I am supposed to be. I'm still a monster...



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