38. Serene

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Emara Stone

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Emara Stone


I can still feel Hotty's sharp fangs penetrating inside my skin where they were before few seconds ago.
I hold my blood wet throbbing neck, I can feel my hot burning veins in every part of my body like it's on fire, hell hot fire.

As the elevator goes down I feel a strange and unusual pull, like someone snatching my soul up. This pain is more crucifying than his bite, it feels like someone is forcefully and painfully separating my limbs from my body. Every piece of my body is aching and burning like I am going through the gateways of the hell.

Someone please make it stop.


Suddenly the doors of the elevator open, without looking anywhere I start to run towards the main door while holding my neck. I faintly hear Rita's voice as she shouts Ethan's name but I don't halt my steps and keep running. The pull in me is increasing at an incredible rate as I take every step away from the building. What kind of dark magic he did on me?

I still can't believe he really bit me. Though he could kill me on the spot, he chose to just bit me and let me go. The whole scenario doesn't fit, I don't know what game he is playing and why he wants Ethan to know that he bit me. Why he didn't pull my head off? Why he-

Wait.... Oh no!!

He is a werewolf. And he bit me.

I stumble my legs as the realization struck me, he wants me to die painfully and slowly from Rabies. That venomous lizard. My legs give up on the thought that by now I might be infected by the bite, my knees were about to say hello to the concrete floor but suddenly someone holds my waist firmly from the back. I fall lifelessly on the person's strong and muscular hand like a cloth hanged on a hanger.

I lift my eyes to see my guarding angel who saved my knees. My angel's face seems familiar, infact I have seen him before with hotty many times. Oh yes, he is hotty's ex-ex-secretary Drake. Drake is wearing a tight shirt or maybe he has muscles which make his shirt look tight. I don't know. His eyes show grave concern for me and his lips are moving very fast but I can't hear a word coz my ears are already ringing.

I am sweating like a sinner in church, even my breathing is uneven and rapid. My lungs are struggling hard to operate maybe I am really going to die, I don't even know how much a coffin cost. Drake tries to make me stand on my feet but I slump down on the parking floor like a bag of cabbages.

"C-Cit-City hos-pi-tal." I try to speak through my hoarse throat, I need to get shots immediately as I got bitten by a psycho dog. With one hand Drake holds my gelatin body and with another, he takes out his phone to call. But I think I won't be able to make it today. The hot venom is spreading in my whole body and I can feel it in my every vein. I need to tell him, I need to tell him about the hidden treasure before I die.

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