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"I'll drop you off around the back and see you in a few. I have to check into the office for my suspension stuff."

"I'll see you i the office then. I have to get some slips I guess. I got an email about it too." I say as Hunter drives around the school to the back. We're here about thirty minutes earlier then most kids so we can just go straight to home room.

Which by the way, we have together. As the Truck comes to a stops, I stare out the window and sigh.

"Hey you'll be okay. I'll keep the guys away from you. All your things are in your Locker too."

"How did you?" Hunter raises the eyebrow with a cut in it from yesterday's fight and stares at me. "Right." I say. Hunter had someone run to my house a few nights ago and brought my school things here for me.

And did you know werewolves heal about eight times faster than a human? I didn't and when I woke up today I freaked out cause Hunter had gone on a run and was completely fine when I thought he was in pain.

Well nope, his bruises were gone and just as a small scar on his eyebrow that will go away eventually.

My hand goes to the door handle but Hunter turns me around in my seat as I do so. "I know I'm not suppose to do this but oh well...." hunter says before bringing me closer and kissing me lightly. I think I knew he was going to do this cause I just melted right into it all.

It felt nice, even if I want to take things slow, it just all felt nice, reassuring. To have someone, and something like this.

Pulling away I open the door and smile as him before walking into the school. watching him drive back around the school, I sigh and start heading I, losing all hope again I walk into the hallways and keep my head down from anyone who is here as I head to my locker and then to the office.

09-24-34 is the only thing I repeat in my head as I get to my locker and spin the nob to get it open. Making sure everything really is here, and it is, I make a mental note to thank Hunter again for sending someone to get everything for me.

Grabbing all my books and tossing them into a bag with all my things and laptop I run to the bathrooms and redo my hair due to the wind of today. I was only outside for five minutes and it went really messy.

Playing around with it and deciding it's fine I jog to the office and see Hunter already signing the slips he needs. I keep my head down once again as I open the door and walk up to the desk lady, who does not like me due to my father.

I don't know how they know each other but they just really dislike each other. I mean most people hate my dad but they just really hate each other, and she's my Neighbor.

"Hi. I-I need the suspension slips. My names Tristan Walker."

"I know who you are." She says as she tosses me some paper. "Just fill it out and get out." Someone didn't have their coffee yet. Hunter rolls his eyes and finishes his and tosses me a pen as he walks behind me and give the desk lady his papers.

"Get out now Mr. Rhodes."

"Yes ma'am." Hunter says sarcasticly while leaving me in the office. Rushing to finish so I can just get to homeroom and be done with the day I rush my hand writing and toss the papers over the desk to the lady.

Running through the halls I get to my locker again, entering the code and grabbing my earbuds out of my pencil case and putting them into my new phone.

Logging into my youtube and pressing play on one of my playlist I start to walk to my home room but someone comes up from behind me and jumps on my back causing me to freak out and drop them on their butt.

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