Chapter 67

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I lay there for a few minutes, with my eyes closed, really wanting to go to sleep, but it just wouldn't come. I threw my arm around Colby's pillow bringing it to my face. I inhaled deeply, catching the lingering scent of his cologne and my shampoo, that he started using. I just couldn't get comfortable though, so I sat up, and went to my suitcase to change into some more comfortable clothes. As I moved things around in it, looking for my pajama pants, and one of Colby's white t-shirts that I never gave back to him, a blue box caught my eye, reminding me to check the date. My brain is so screwy lately, I can't keep up with anything, much less the date. I grabbed my phone off the dresser and swiped up. No, that can't be right...I counted in my head and on my fingers...oh God. I'm never late. EVER. It's just stress. That's all. It's stress making my period late. That's all it is. "Y/N?" I heard a girl's voice come through the door, as I stood there, staring down at the blue box, my phone in hand. My breathing picked up, anxiety taking a massive grip on me and not letting go. "It's fine." I breathed out, trying to regulate short gasps escaping my lips. My chest was aching from the lack of oxygen. I didn't even notice when Tessa opened the door and walked in. "Hey, are you okay?" My head jerked up when I finally did notice, but the edges of my vision was turning black and I couldn't speak. She grabbed my arm and helped me back to the bed, where I leaned over, sticking my head between my legs, trying to draw in long steady breaths. I noticed that her hand was rubbing circles on my back like she was trying to comfort me. What the f*ck is she doing here? After a few minutes, I was able to calm down enough to ask her just that. "Oh," She replied, timidly, blushing a little. She looked down to her lap, and started picking at the edges of her fingers. "I came to apologize for being a total bitch to you." She glanced back up, and I noticed that she did actually look sorry, her eyes full of remorse. "I was jealous. Colby has always been the steady that I can always run back too. Even if we haven't been in a relationship for years, he's still always been there when I want or need him. I guess I wasn't ready for that to be over." I narrowed my eyes at her. This really wasn't making it any better and I wasn't in the mood. "Well it is over. You'll have to accept that or you won't be in his life, in our lives. I'm not really sure that I want you in it at all regardless." My head started pounding, the after affects of my anxiety attack. I reached my hand up, pressing above my eyebrows and pinching the skin together. "Uuugh," I groaned out against the pain that was quickly turning into a migraine. "Do you need something? Want me to get you a glass or water maybe?" I nodded. Didn't really wanna accept help from her, but this migraine was going to do me in if I didn't take something for it, and quick. "Can you hand me that bottle of pills out of the top of my bag please?" I motioned to the Excedrin lying next to the blue box that was still burning into my eyes. I looked away and lay back on the bed. "Yeah, sure." She grabbed the bottle, and shook 2 out, passing them into my open hand. "Let me get you some water." I didn't say anything and let her go. I reached for my phone but my head pounded harder with each movement so I decided to just tell Colby about her showing up later. She came back a few seconds later, holding out a glass of ice water to me. I sat up and took the pills, chugging about half of the glass with them. "Look y/n, I know I've been a bitch to you and I shouldn't have propositioned Colby either. It was wrong. I just want to make amends, even if we start out slow. He's one of my best friends, and I would hate to lose him." I looked over to her, and saw a tear forming in the corner of her eye while she looked at her hands in her lap. Her eyes glanced back up to me, and she cleared her throat. " think that we could maybe be friends too. I would really like to get to know you and try, if you would agree to it?" Is she f*cking with me? I can't tell...I know that Colby cares for her and I don't want him to feel like he has to choose, even though that's exactly what he was doing. He was choosing me over her, and I couldn't be happier about it. I sighed. F*cking Colby, and the grip that he has on my heart. "Fine Tessa...but it will be very slow. I don't trust you, especially around Colby. I'm doing this for him, not for you, because his dumb ass still cares about you, AS A FRIEND." I made sure that I emphasized that part, to clarify that he didn't want her. Standing up to go put my water glass on the dresser, I felt a little dizzy so I sat back down on the bed beside her. "Are you okay?" Her voice was full of concern. "What was going on when I walked in? Panic attack? I know that you said that you have those sometimes." I nodded, still trying to shake the dizziness of but it was just getting stronger. I had an incredible urge to close my eyes against it and just lie down. I felt Tessa take the glass from my hands and push me back against the bed, making me lie down. "Maybe you should just rest." My eyes blinked up at her and I could've sworn that I saw a hint of an sinister grin there, before my eyes closed again. They were too heavy to open again. My body was weak. I tried to move, to reach my phone, to call Colby. Something was wrong. I was freaking out inside my head, but my body was paralyzed. My thoughts started getting foggy. What was I doing again? Oh yeah, I was taking a nap. 

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